德国Berthold Technologies(伯托)
经过50多年的努力,BERTHOLD (伯托)已经成为世界知名的发光检测分析仪生产商,公司1989已通过了ISO 9001国际质量管理体系认证。从而确保了所有产品在性能上的高标准,公司分支机构和代表处分布在世界各地。
伯托中国代表处:我国的化工、石化行业从70年代就开始引进BERTHOLD公司的设备,现在BERTHOLD公司的用户已遍及我国几乎所有的石油、化工、钢铁、煤炭、电力、建材、食品、造纸、轻工等行业,BERTHOLD公司也赢得了众多的用户。BERTHOLD公司从1990年开始在中国设立了代表处,同时与中石化同位素仪表维修站合作成立了BERTHOLD上海维修中心。 通过多年经验和我们的专业知识,BERTHOLD北京代表处和上海维修中心已能承担从设计、安装、调试、开车到维修保养的一条龙服务,为用户提供解决问题的方法、高质量的产品及良好的售后服务。
生物分析仪器:BERTHOLD公司还是德国一家世界知名的制造检测生物发光和化学发光的,高精度仪器的专业公司,提供高质量、 高灵敏、 简便实用的自发光分析仪给全世界从事生物医学、制药业、生物技术、和基础研究的科学家使用。 BERTHOLD公司已有的新一代自发光分析仪, 包括两个技术先进的产品线——单管样品检测和微孔板样品检测。提供全面的系统方案, 包括自动分析仪器,日常使用的仪器和可以满足特殊研究要求的精密灵便的仪器。为我们产品专门研制的灵活和直观的软件, 易于用户使用。
BERTHOLD TECHNOLOGIES GmbH & Co KG is located in Bad Wildbad in the German Black Forest. In continuing a long and unequalled tradition of innovative and original contributions to the development of sensors, detection systems and instruments dating back to 1949, we offer high performance standard products, optimal solutions for specific customer applications and OEM instruments for Biosciences, Medicine, Industrial Process Control and Radiation Protection.
Under the “Detect and Identify” banner, the measurement instruments and systems made by BERTHOLD TECHNOLOGIES assist research scientists in bioanalytical and gene laboratories, serve in the control and quality assurance of industrial production plants and increase safety when handling radioactive sources or substances in research, medicine and nuclear technology.
The original Berthold product line consisted mostly of sensors and detection systems for nuclear radiation and X-rays. However, by continuously following the requirements of our customers and with the progress of technology, the product lines were extended to measuring luminescent light and to the use of microwave radiation.
Our experience and know-how in physics and in techniques of highly sensitive detection of light, nuclear radiation and microwave frequencies, together with the use of modern electronics and software, allows us to maintain our excellent and long reputation as a competent partner in solving diverse and difficult measurement problems and as a supplier of innovative and up-to-date instruments of the highest quality and reliability.
We serve and support our customers with a worldwide distribution organization with emphasis on applications assistance and product maintenance.
Who we are: Trustees of a long-term tradition
The original company was founded in 1949 in Bad Wildbad by Prof. Dr. Rudolf Berthold and was named “Laboratorium Prof. Dr. Rudolf Berthold”. In 1960, his son, Dr Fritz Berthold took over the management of the company until 1989, when the company was acquired by the US EG&G Inc. corporation, later named PerkinElmer Inc.
Eleven years later, (year 2000) the Berthold family, together with Hans J. Oberhofer, purchased the company from PerkinElmer Inc. The company is now named BERTHOLD TECHNOLOGIES GmbH & Co KG, with Hans J. Oberhofer as Managing Director and Dr. Fritz Berthold as Chairman of the Board. The company continues to be headquartered in Bad Wildbad with affiliated companies in Austria, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland and U.S.A. and the company is represented throughout the rest of the world by factory appointed distributors and representatives.
Three business units
The company is structured in three business units, namely Industrial Process Control, Bioanalytical Instruments and Radiation Protection Instrumentation. These units are aligned with the specific applications and users of the products but share common pools of technology and infrastructure. This arrangement allows the best possible customer and applications focus with the most effective collective contribution to the overall strength and productivity of the company.