日本光电 Nihon Kohden
日本光电工业株式会社(Nihon Kohden)成立于1951年,是世界最著名的医用电子仪器生产公司之一,其宗旨是"以电子技术与疾病进行斗争",主要产品有:监护仪、脑电图机、心电图机、除颤器及MEK系列血球计数仪共5大类。公司股票1961年在东京上市。
第一家是上海光电医用电子仪器有限公司,负责“NIHON KOHDEN”品牌的组装产品生产;
第二家是美荻特光电医疗软件(上海)有限公司,负责“NIHON KOHDEN”品牌的医疗软件开发。
第三家是尼虹光电贸易(上海)有限公司,负责在中国大陆营销“NIHON KOHDEN”品牌的原装产品外,同时也负责日本光电旗下——上海光电的组装产品以及美荻特光电的医疗软件。因此公司的商号--“尼虹光电”四字就源自于“NIHON KOHDEN ”的日语谐音。
Nihon Kohden is Japan's leading manufacturer, developer and distributor of medical electronic equipment with subsidiaries in the USA, Europe and Asia and distributors in nearly every country in the world.
Our major product lines for export are patient monitors, electroencephalographs, evoked potential and electromyograph systems, electrocardiographs, defibrillators, and hematology analyzers. Nihon Kohden equipment is well known for its quality and ease of use.
Nihon Kohden actively contributes to the advance of medical technology. Nihon Kohden researchers have published valuable research in some of the world's most prestigious medical, engineering and scientific journals. Nihon Kohden has significantly contributed to the advancement of modern medical treatment with many innovative products and technologies. Pulse oximetry, the technology to noninvasive measure oxygen in the blood, was invented by Dr. Takuo Aoyagi, a Nihon Kohden scientist.
In addition to supplying the world with our own high quality medical equipment, Nihon Kohden imports outstanding overseas products into Japan. Our wide range of imported equipment includes cardiology, urology, respiratory care, anesthesiology, emergency care, sports medicine and rehabilitation. Our extensive domestic sales network consists of over 650 direct sales staff with over 100 offices throughout the country.
Founded in 1951, our mission is to improve the quality of life through advanced medical technology.