n 通过ISO9001:2000标准的质量体系认证
n 取得国家食品药品监督管理局颁发的体外诊断试剂GMP认证证书
n 卫生部医药科技发展研究中心行业计划单位
n 国家计生委推荐产品生产商
n 国家863重点项目“免疫诊断试剂”的课题主持单位
n 获得中关村科技园区重大产业化项目
n 多次获得科技部创新基金
n 多次荣获国家火炬计划项目证书
n 获得北京市高新技术成果转化项目
n 获得国家科技支撑计划项目“科研用试剂核心单元物质及共性关键技术的研制与开发”的子课题
n 获得北京市工业发展资金项目
n 首批中关村科技园区百家创新型企业之一
n 北京医药行业协会会员单位
Beijing Bio-Ekon Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is an excellent developer, manufacturer and marketer of in-vitro diagnostic systems and reagents products in China. Established in 1999, we offer a broad of products to diagnose immune system diseases, and measure human hormone responses.
We focus on the development of high quality diagnostic reagents and reliable instruments. By efforts of the whole team member and great supports of the users, Bio-Ekon has grown up as the largest normative immunoassay reagents manufacturer of MAIA, and earned trust from more than 1000 laboratories in China. In addition, we sell our products internationally through our distribution and sales and support network began in 2004. That builds and expands our market position globally.
Bio-Ekon is promoted to be market-oriented, R&D-motivated, manufacturing-based, quality-guaranteed, service-diversified, profit-making company by the whole members. Bio-Ekon does its utmost to be flagship enterprise in the field of IVD.