美国Zymo Research
Zymo Research 生物科技公司位于美国洛杉机,创建于上世纪90年代初,主要研发和生产生物科技实验室使用的各种生物试剂、耗材、仪器。其DNA提取试剂盒系列产品以“快速、简便、超纯”的特点在众多生物科技产品中脱颖而出,独占熬头。已经形成了覆盖美、英、德、法、日、韩等20多个国家的销售网络,销售额快速增长。使用其产品的实验论文在各种权威性科技期刊(NATURE 自然、PNAS 美国科学院院刊、Stem Cells 干细胞、 Nucleic Acids Res核酸研究等)上发表。
Since 1994, Zymo Research Corporation has strived to supply researchers with innovative tools to make simple, rapid, ultra-pure nucleic acid purification possible. Many know us for our DNA Clean & Concentrator™ and Zymoclean™ product lines that have set the industry standard for rapid DNA cleanup and concentration from liquid and agarose gel samples.
Recently, our EZ DNA Methylation Kit™ has received significant attention as well as an ever increasing loyal following of satisfied researchers requiring a precise and accurate tool for determining DNA methylation status. In addition to developing new products, the scientists at Zymo Research continue to refine and improve on our existing product portfolio. It is our goal to provide you, the researcher, with the best, most affordable tools available for DNA/RNA purification and analysis.