美国扬格科技公司Youngerusa LLC
美国扬格科技公司Youngerusa LLC.是科研仪器设备的集成、人员培训及售后服务专业化的公司。主要技术领域为非损伤微测技术和光学显微技术两大领域,
一、扫描离子选择电极技术Scanning Ion-selective Electrode Technique(SIET)
二、扫描极谱电极技术Scanning Polarographic Electrode Technique(SPET)
三、扫描震荡电极技术Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique (SVET)
四、扫描局部电化学阻抗谱技术Scanning Localized Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (SLEIS)
五、视频差成像技术DVIT (Difference Viewer Imaging Technique)
六、自参比离子选择性电极技术Self-referencing Ion Selective Electrode Technique(SERIS)
七、自参比极谱电极技术Self-referencing Polarographic Electrode Technique(SERP)
八、自参比酶辅助电极技术Self-referencing Enzyme Assisted Electrode Technique(SERE)
九、微电极离子流评价技术Microelectrode Ion Flux Estimation Technique:(MIFE)
One of the major challenges in the post-genomic era is to confirm and understand the function of expressed proteins in eukaryotic cells. The Scanning Ion-selective Electrode Technique (SIET) is a unique tool to meet this challenge. The SIET non-invasively measures both ionic concentrations and ionic fluxes in aqueous media with a spatial resolution of less than 10 micrometers with picomolar sensitivity. The SIET measures the extracellular fluxes in and out of living biological membranes in-vitro. Ca2+, H+, Cl-, K+, Cd2+, Al3+, Mg2+, O2 and NO are some of the ions/molecules that can be measured at present, and more ion and molecular species will be available in the near future. Some of the many applications of this technique for example, ionic flux measurements in both animal and plant cells demonstrate the unique advantages of the SIET compared to other techniques. The SIET can measure extra-cellular ion movement in such a way that it provides information that has been only theoretical.
YoungerUSA Company, one of the world leading companies in this area, is a coalition company with Applicable Electronics, Inc., who is specialized in design, develope and manufacturing the Non-invasive Ion Probe System and Scanning MicroElectrode System. YoungerUSA is focusing on marketing, system installation, maintenance and training around the world.