澳大利亚XRF Scientific
澳大利亚XRF Scientific公司分为三大部门,LAT公司、AFT公司和Modutemp公司。LAT公司是研发制造高性能激光诱导击穿光谱仪(LIBS)的先驱和行业领导者。LIBS可以很简易的分析元素周期表中的几乎所有天然元素的含量。AFT公司成立于1991年,专门设计、制造自动熔样设备,他们制造的Phoenix全自动熔样系统在全世界享有盛誉,成为众多知名国际企业的标准配置。Modutemp公司是澳大利亚领先的加热炉供应商,在加入XRF Scientific后,开始制造电热熔样机。他的熔样机以坚固耐用著称,在国内科研单位、钢铁企业广泛使用。
XRF Scientific Limited is an Australian listed company based in Perth Western Australia. We have manufacturing, sales and support facilities located in Perth and Melbourne plus a global network and official distributors.
XRF Scientific Limited enhances productivity for customers through precision instrumentation as well as through systems and supplies. Our focus is on providing niche applications that have a direct impact on process performance for end user customers.
XRF Scientific’s technology is used to measure the composition and purity of materials and is mainly applied in industrial quality control and in process control for manufacturing processes in industries such as metals and mining, construction materials, chemicals and petrochemicals.
XRF Scientific products help customers to improve product quality and performance, increase productivity and yield and reduce downtime and waste. Our businesses have established positions in their specialised markets.
Our businesses work with multinational blue-chip customers such as BHP Billiton • Rio Tinto • Iluka • Xstrata • Nickel West • Robe River Iron Associates • Alcoa • CSIRO • Intertek • PT Inco • Pilbara Iron • Zinifex • Amdel/Ultratrace • SGS
XRF Scientific has a strong presence in Australia with facilities in Perth and Melbourne plus a global network of distributors. We have representation in the United States, Mexico and South America, Canada, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. CLICK HERE for our contact details.