德国 WTW
厦门隆力德环境技术开发有限公司是德国WTW公司中国总代理及德国WTW中国技术服务中心。WTW产品种类齐全,从手提便携式、实验室仪器到在线监测控制仪器,应有尽有。 PH酸度计、ORP氧化还原电位、Ion离子计、TFK水温、Oxi溶解氧、Cond电导率、SS总悬浮固体、COD化学需氧量、BOD生化需氧量、Turb浊度、盐度、TOC、氨氮、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、磷酸盐、总氮、总磷、多参数监测控制仪、多功能水质分析仪、采样器、菌落计数器和紫外分光光度计等等,广泛应用于水质分析实验室、污水处理厂、环境监测站、污染源在线监测以及河流断面监测等领域.
Founded in 1945, WTW has provided outstanding leadership in the design and production of superior quality water testing instrumentation world-wide for over 55 years. WTW is proud to offer the World's broadest and most highly accepted product Lines
Laboratory & Field Instrumentation
Offering the world's most complete line of pH/ORP, D.O./ BOD/ Respirometry and Conductivity Instruments, Turbidity Meters, Photometers with reagents, WTW systems range from rugged waterproof, hand-held, and portable field meters to an integrated line of laboratory instruments, supplies and accessories that include the new and innovative inoLab™ systems and a wide range of technically advanced Multi-parameter instruments that represent the state-of-the-art in measurement systems. Our latest innovation is the 350i Multi-parameter handheld meter. This product delivers pH, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, and temperature measurements in a portable, water-proof system with a compact multi-parameter probe.
On-Line Instrumentation
The IQ SENSOR NET system is a flexible, digital based system providing from 1 up to 20 measuring points suited for conventional instrumentation with analog outputs as well as for field bus instrumentation. The innovative digital sensors in this system represent the state of the art in process measuring systems. Our latest addition to the digital sensor offering is the NiCaVis™ product. This measurement system measures Nitrate and Carbon (COD), simultaneously in-situ.
The world’s most complete line of pH/ORP, D.O., Conductivity and unique self cleaning Turbidity instrumentation. Complete systems, probes and accessories are available for measuring and monitoring water and wastewater.
New TresCon™ Analyzers provide unparalleled modular flexibility and convenience for the on-line measurement and monitoring of up to three different parameters and uses the unique PurCon™ sample conditioning system for high accuracy and reproducibility in highly polluted wastewater samples.
The dependability, reliability, and versatility of WTW field proven Ammonia, Phosphate, Nitrite and Nitrate Analyzers, probes, and pH, ORP, D.O., and Conductivity systems and meters have established WTW products as industry standards world-wide.
WTW has built a solid reputation in its nearly 60 year history by providing “best in class” products with unparalleled customer and technical support. WTW strives to deliver solutions to our customers measuring problems. Our Customer Care Centers are dedicated to ensuring each customer’s individual success. WTW’s extensive applications library coupled with knowledgably applications specialist provides for rapid resolution to technical challenges.
With support facilities around the globe, the WTW manufacturing center, located just south of Munich, Germany, delivers quality technical instrumentation with continuous support. We are proud to present our product offering to you and look forward to serving your needs.