德国VITLAB品牌代表着高品质的实验室塑料产品器具和移液产品。成立于1989年,VITLAB采用PP,PMP,PFA等高级塑料研发和制造实验室产品, 如各种容器,烧杯,刻度量筒,移液管,锥型瓶,一次性移液管,吸头,以及用于痕量分析的多种PFA产品。以上产品均在严格执行ISO9001质量管理体系下生产。
VITLAB的移液产品采用WALU品牌, 提供数字瓶口滴定器,刻度瓶口分液器,移液控制器等多种产品。其中数字瓶口滴定器采用连续移液方式,滴定过程更加平顺,易于操作和控制。
VITLAB can look upon a history of almost 100 years. VITRI GmbH & Co. KG was founded in Mühltal (Germany) back in 1908. In 1989 the laboratory division was established as
the independent company VITLAB. Today, VITLAB is one of the leading manufacturers of liquid handling instruments and laboratory products made of high-class plastics – both for single or long-term use.
Laboratory products are developed and manufactured at our own production facility.
Product range
VITLAB supports laboratory work on a myriad of applications with its comprehensive product range. Whether you’re measuring volume, taking and storing samples or you just
need general laboratory tools – our development and manufacturing aims are to ensure that we provide users with laboratory products that simplify their daily work, and to
ensure them consistently perfect results.
External inspections and continual internal audits guarantee the effectiveness of VITLAB’s quality management system involving the entire company, from development to
dispatch. As a result, the phrase, ‘Made by VITLAB‘ has become synonymous for quality and gives you the security of knowing you’ve made the right choice..
VITLAB’s quality management system has been officially certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 since 1995 and active environmental protection is a core component of our company philosophy. VITLAB has been certified according to DIN EN ISO 14001 since 1999.
Thanks to its intensive partnerships with distributors almost everywhere in the world, VITLAB can offer reliable availability of its products, sound advice and seamless logistics. For all of VITLAB's employees, customer satisfaction is the highest priority.