德国TVIPS(Tietz Video and Image Processing Systems GmbH)成立于1987年,是一家专门致力于透射电镜CCD成像系统及其应用软件研究开发的高科技公司。TVIPS公司成功地开发了1k×1k 到 4k×4k的用于透射电镜成像的科研级高性能CCD相机系列产品,目前已开发并推出分辨率高达8K慢扫描CCD相机,技术领先独步全球。此外,TVIPS公司开发的用于CCD相机的透射电镜数字图象处理软件包EM-MENU已全面升级到4.0版本,界面更加友好,使用更加简便。用户只需简单地设置软件中的一些参数,就可以自动执行校正仪器参数如聚焦,消象散,样品倾斜,消除图像漂移并采集图像等先进功能。通过软硬件的配合,TVIPS公司的透射电镜CCD相机成像系统可与任何类型的透射电镜进行无缝联接。
TVIPS manufactures high-performance camera systems for TEM with resolutions from 1 to 64 Megapixels. A powerful Windows XP based image processing platform allows seamless integration into any type of microscope and flexible custom solutions for biological and materials science applications, e.g. automatic electron tomography.
The company Tietz Video and Image Processing Systems was founded by Hans R. Tietz – who did his diploma at the lab of Prof. Hoppe, Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany. At this time, only video rate cameras were used in Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), thus the company name was derived from this fact. Since the founding of the company in 1987, TVIPS has expanded its operations to over 14 employees world-wide.
Our milestones:
1987: Founded by Hans R. Tietz
1991: First commercial slow-scan 1k CCD
1993: First commercial Tomography software package
1996: First commercial slow-scan 2k CCD (24 µm pixel size)
2001: 4k slow-scan CCD (15 µm pixel size)
2002: Move into a building with 750m² with own TEM
2004: Further extension of the area to 1500 m² and installation of a 2nd TEM
2006: World's first 8k Camera
Camera Development
TVIPS is dedicated to the development and manufacturing of leading edge digital cameras and software for Transmission Electron Microscopy. The majority of TVIPS cameras are capable of detecting single electrons by optimising the Point Spread Function (PSF) for the pixel size of the camera.
Software Development
TVIPS prides itself on the first development of a commercial tomography packages for automated acquisition of tilt series under low-dose conditions – released since 1993.
TVIPS has a dedicated software department who have many years of experience with TEM camera procedures & requirements. The Software package EM-MENU reflects the need of almost all TEM users in the fields of (cryo) biology and material science.
Training, Demonstration and Support
The training is generally carried out after the installation and includes all aspects of the hardware & software. TVIPS has 2 TEM instruments at our main office in Germany, where qualified personnel can provide training & workshops customized to the requirements of the individual or group.
At the TVIPS-GmbH office, live demonstrations can be performed on the full complement of TVIPS cameras.
Apart from our own support group in the Gauting offices, we also have trained engineers based in North America and the Asia Pacific Rim. We recommend that customers opt for a training package when purchasing a new camera.
The major markets are Europe, USA, and the Asia Pacific countries. Systems have also been installed in Australia, Africa & the Middle East. It is not our policy to publish the full details of our customers without their specific agreement. Please contact us for getting more information.
Quality Assurance
TVIPS maintains full control over the design, manufacture & assembly of the cameras.
Detailed logs of specifications & testing at TEM are maintained throughout the manufacturing & assembly processes.
Our experience
Our team maintains a wealth of expertise, both in-house and from its users/leaders in the scientific community. TVIPS also benefits from strong working relationships with all the TEM manufacturers.