成立于2006年, Abmart是一家由留美生物学家和国际知名风险投资商共同创办的生物技术服务公司,在全球首先推出了低价格“保证使用成功”的抗体定制服务:定制的抗体必须能成功地应用到客户所要求的实验中。Abmart的目标是设立抗体定制服务的行业标准,改变现今的抗体消费习惯,让所有人都能够随心所欲地定制所需要的抗体。
Abmart的抗体设计、定制服务和抗体新技术研发中心位于上海, 现拥有一个有一流技术背景的技术和管理团队。公司在2009-2010年度将达到每年1000个“保证使用成功”单克隆抗体 (抗原数) 的生产规模,成为全球最大的单抗生产中心。
AbMART offers high quality antibodies at a fraction of current cost by industrializing antibody production in Shanghai, China.
The craft car production industry was forever changed when Henry Ford built "Model T" from his car assembly line, and the cost for automobiles was driven down by Ford's goal of making strong, simple cars "cheaply". AbMART has built standardized and industrialized antibody assembly lines to enable the production of consistently high quality antibody products at significantly lower cost.
The long-term goal of AbMART is to build industrialized biomedical research processes to deliver dramatically higher throughtput and productivity for drug discovery and biology.