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Tescan Tescan

捷克TESCAN, s.r.o.  
TESCAN 是一家捷克的私营有限责任公司,位于捷克第二大城市Brno,主要研发和生产扫描电子显微镜。TESCAN公司的前身是Tesla公司,从1951年就开始制造电子显微镜。TESCAN公司旗下集合了多位掌握着先进电子显微技术、经验丰富的科学家,有着多年电镜领域工作经验的研发技术工程师,以及高学历的、富有创新精神的年轻人。TESCAN在1994年被授予捷克共和国年度最具创新精神企业的称号。TESCAN 致力于电镜及相关附属设备的研发、生产和销售已达十余年。首台PC控制的扫描电镜于90年代中期投入市场。
目前生产的VEGA系列在世界范围内受到广泛的好评。从2000年推出新系列VEGA 至今已有近600台VEGA系列的电镜售往世界各地。2004年再次正式进入中国市场,由上海品欧纳米材料科技有限公司全权代理,至今,在中国已销售50多台。TESCAN主要的市场在欧洲、美国、中国、韩国和台湾地区,TESCAN也已经在俄罗斯和印度地区展开了市场推广且为取得这些区域的市场份额奠定了良好的基础。

2009年9月TESCAN中国公司TESCAN CHINA LTD.(泰思肯贸易(上海)有限公司)在中国成立,总部位于上海,同时已在北京、深圳设有分部,TESCAN CHINA LTD.全权负责TESCAN所有扫描电子显微镜在中国境内的销售、保养和维修等一切售前业务和售后服务。这意味着从现在开始TESCAN生产厂家将之间面对广大的中国用户群更好、更直接的提供服务。TESCAN CHINA LTD.吸收并壮大了上海品欧纳米材料科技有限公司的销售和技术团队,具有坚强的售后服务团队,充足的零配件库,迅速提供的原厂零配件以及随时支持的远程遥控服务。同时,我们是国内唯一一家可承诺“保修期内每3至6个月回访客户一次”的扫描电子显微镜厂家(无论电镜是否发生问题)。


Tescan belongs to the global suppliers of scientific instruments. The company is building its reputation and brand name in the field of designing and manufacturing scanning electron microscopes and system solutions for different applications.
The company is focused on research, development and manufacturing of scientific instruments and laboratory equipment like:

scanning electron microscopes

supplementary accessories for SEMs

light optical microscopy accessories and image processing

special vacuum chambers and custom systems

detection systems

scientific hardware and software development

Research & Development
Located at Brno, Czech Republic, a region with a long tradition electron optics re­search . Tescan dedicate their full effort to keeping continuous improvement of their products to create an advantage for the customers.

By participating in top research projects, by co-operation with the leading companies in electron microscopy and microanalysis branch, Tescan is becoming established by its instrumentation and innovative solutions in the world of nano and micro technology.

We recognize that the highest quality and reliability of our products is the foundation of our business. The advanced information system for resources and company processes optimization, top level of technology equipment and quality management system give the real preconditions for satisfying customer expectations about quality, price, and delivery.

Over 500 SEMs installed in more than 30 countries prove the highest technical solutions and first-class quality of Tescan products.

Worldwide Support
Tescan sales and service network covers countries all over the world. The team of sales representatives and well-trained service staff can assure fast service and customers support as well as detailed product information.
