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SPEX SamplePrep
SPEX SamplePrep SPEX SamplePrep

美国SPEX SamplePrep
SPEX SamplePrep 是SPEX CertiPrep集团之子公司,成立于1954年,有超过五十年的专业样品前处理設備生产历史,是一个专业标样公司和国际ISO9001质量保证体系认可单位。集数十年的经验,加之严格专业要求,娴熟的技巧和高级的设备,SPEX在分析界早享盛名。您可以在世界上有名的实验室和极普通的实验室里发现SPEX标样的踪迹。也许您的分析仪器中随主机购入的标样中已经拥有SPEX生产的标样、检样。SPEX每一份标样都附有内容极为详细的证书。 
SPEX 公司 以近五十年的元素分析, 标样 质控样配制经验, 配合美国环保局 (USEPA) 和国家标准局(NIST, 原名NBS)成功研发了特别用于原子吸收光谱(AAS), 等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES), 等离子体质谱(ICP-MS), 离子交换色谱( IC), 气相色谱质谱(GC/MS),X Ray -荧光/衍射(XRF/XRD), 直读光谱(OES)的标样(液态固态和油标),以及各种标准参考物(CRMs)、同位素标准和其他必备的试剂. 这可使原本优异的高科技大型仪器能完全发挥其功能. 我们同时也提供美国国家标准局NIST和欧共体IRMM的各种标准参考物(CRMs). SPEX为国际ISO9001注册质量保证体系认可单位. 
 SPEX 公司生产的球磨机/搅拌机(mill/mixer)是样本制备不可缺少的实验室器材。 有数种机洛i供选择而且有钢,不锈钢,碳化钨(和钴),铁,陶瓷,塑胶等材质的球供选择. 生化科技用的球磨机则专为于动植物组织萃取核酸,蛋白质和其它成分. SPEX独一无二的冷冻球磨机Freeze/Mill可将所有农产品,谷类和柔软的塑胶薄膜以及头发这类的样品都可磨成粉状。SPEX也提供X荧光用的各种样品压片机(press)和消耗品.
SPEX CertiPrep 公司的冷冻研磨机是世界上最先进的冷冻破碎设备,已经成为全球最可信赖的产品。
SPEX CertiPrep was founded in 1954 to provide superior sample preparation equipment and certified reference materials for analytical spectroscopy. We have the experience, skills, and specialized training to a serve analytical scientists  throughout the world.

Feel free to browse our vast selection of products for solving your analytical problems. The SPEX CertiPrep Certified Reference Materials (CRM) Division offers an unparalleled selection of inorganic standards for AA, ICP, ICP/MS and IC, organic standards for GC and GC/MS, and a range of products for proficiency testing environmental analyses. Our Sample Preparation Division has a full range of laboratory mills, presses, and pellet dies, plus fusion fluxers, XRF sample cells and window films, as well as PrepAid© binders and grinding aids.

To make ordering easier, SPEX CertiPrep now offers our "e-commerce" site.  Simply register with a new user ID and password and order through our secure and fast website.

SPEX CertiPrep is committed to providing you with not only superior products and expertise, but also superior customer service. If you have a specialized need for analytical standards or laboratory equipment, contact us. You can also place an order by calling us at 1-732-549-7144 (1-800-LAB-SPEX) or send us a facsimile at 1-732-603-9647.

Visit our website often, as we constantly update it with new products, application techniques, and tradeshow information. We look forward to your next visit!
