美国SignaGen Laboratories
SignaGen生物技术公司于2006年成立于美国马里兰州. 公司的创始人系几个来自美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health, NIH)的致力于生物医学研究的科学家.
美国SignaGen公司,由美国国立卫生研究院的资深科学家创立,是一家新兴的生物试剂生产制造商,主要专注于各种转染试剂的研究与开发,现已成功开发出三大系列DNA/RNA转染试剂。其中,PolyJet™ DNA体外转染试剂采用新型的可生物降解多价阳离子聚合物,自投放市场以来,受到了广大科研用户的喜爱。该试剂广泛适用于哺乳动物细胞,较其他畅销的同类产品具有更高的转染效率、更低的细胞毒性。PolyJet™,使您的转染实验轻松完成。
SignaGen Laboratories is a fast growing bio-reagents manufacturer founded by several ambitious bench scientists from National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2006.
From the 1st day of our operation, SignaGen has been arming to become the leader in developing and manufacturing gene delivery tools for the research community of U.S. with logical prices. Currently we have successfully developed and launched three big categories DNA/RNA transfection reagents.
When we used to work at NIH as bench scientists, we often performed DNA/RNA transfection on variety of mammalian cells. While we were impressed by efficiency of leading products, the ridiculous high prices also surprised us. From that time, we started to prepare homemade liposome based transfection reagents using a old rotary evaporator. By time-consuming optimization work, the homemade transfectin reagents in our laboratories showed very similar with or sometimes surpassed the leading products in trasnfection efficiency. But the cost is just a fraction of commercial transfection reagents. We started to question the validity of the commercial transfection reagents' prices. Why we cannot formulate and commercialize DNA/RNA transfection reagents with more affordable prices for our biomedical research folks? With the philosophy bearing in our mind, we started to formulate and develop DNA in vitro transfection reagents firstly. On January of 2007, we launched GenJet™ In Vitro DNA Transfection Reagent which we tested beat the market leading products in both efficiency and toxicity and soon got recognized by customers who use it. Then we upgraded it to GenJet™ version II and GenJet™ Plus which significantly boosted the efficiency on their initial version. Recently we successfully synthesized a polymer based transfection reagent, very powerful gene delivery tool with unbeatable price-------only $99 per ml.
Let's see what else we can offer in the next few months.
SignaGen Laboratories, A Gene Delivery Company———"Combine Efficiency & Affordability..."