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SI-Heidelberg SI-Heidelberg

德国SI-Heidelberg成立于1988年,经过不断创新, 提供高质量综合研究系统和单个部件,应用于肌肉生理学和肌细胞生理学研究, 它己被全世界100多家顶级医学科研机构和大型药厂的研究院广泛采用。

Since1988 Scientific Instruments manufactures instruments for muscle investigation. The instruments are designed for the investigation of intact or chemically skinned muscle preparation as well as the investigation of single cells.

Prof. Dr. Konrad Güth designs all of these instruments. While Dr. Güth was doing his Ph.D. in physics he was working on instrumentation for spacecrafts and learned designing instruments of the highest technical standard. He used this ability later designing instruments for muscle investigation at the Physiology Institute at the University of Heidelberg. The idea to manufacture instruments for muscle science commercially was born, when scientific colleges of Dr. Güth asked him to copy for them some of the instruments, which Dr. Güth used in his Lab for his own scientific work. Since those early instruments the number of parameter measurable with the instruments was largely extended. During the years also much effort was put into the attempt making the instruments as easy to handle as possible. In this way the large number of unique instruments for muscle investigation were created, which are today offered by Scientific Instruments.

One of the out standing features of the instruments manufactured by Scientific instrument is their modular composition. This allows adapting each instrument exactly to the experimental needs of the customer. It also allows easily upgrading already existing systems.
All components of the instruments are available alone allowing integrating them into self constructed instruments.

