加拿大SCP Science
SCP SCIENCE 成立于1980 年, 为美国,加拿大和世界各地无机化学实验室提供仪器,耗材和标样等化学分析产品。近几年来, 公司通过自行生产、代工生产、兼并、以及扩展国际销售网等方式得到了极大的扩张。公司在运作中完全执行ISO 9000-2000的标准并且各实验室严格遵循17025 的准则, 以此保证提供给客户优质可靠的产品和服务。
SCP SCIENCE公司总部位于加拿大蒙特利尔市的西部,贝多费。 公司在美国纽约Champlain拥有分销中心, 为美国市场提供服务。在法国巴黎市郊Courtaboeuf 的分部, 除了直接为法国的客户提供服务外, 也同时为欧共体及周边共25 个国家的经销商提供协助。 SCP SCIENCE 在中、南美洲、非洲、和亚洲均拥有广泛的销售网络。
SCP SCIENCE - 法国, 座落于法国巴黎市郊的Courtaboeuf , 是2001 年通过兼并SPIN而组建的子公司。1990 年以来, 前身SPIN在原子光谱耗材和认证参考物经销领域已处于领导地位。合并后, 公司业务得到了极大的增长, 在原有基础上扩充了所有SCP SCIENCE产品: 样品前处理仪器、校正和质量管理标准试剂、无机试剂、扩展了原子光谱仪耗材系列以及认证参考物等。
自合并以来, 新公司在法国分析化学市场进行产品直销, 在欧共体和其他地区共25 个国家通过代理网络进行销售,使公司发展迅速。在法国Courtaboeuf 拥有全系列产品的货存以保证整个欧洲市场的短交货周期。
SCP SCIENCE是私有的生产厂和经销商,为实验室的无机化学分析提供设备,供应件,标样和参考资料。生产全系列的无机定容积试剂;标定和质量控制标样;认证的参考物;样品预处理设备和配件;以及生产其他公司转售的带私营特定商标的仪器、标样和易消耗品。经销由美国、加拿大和世界其他地方制造的原子光谱分析仪器设备。
SCP SCIENCE 的总部和制造业分部位于魁北克省蒙特利尔海岛的贝多费。美国的分销点设于纽约的Champlain。公司新的欧洲分配中心处于法国巴黎30公里南部的Courtaboeuf。
· 原子吸收光谱(AA)
· 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱仪(ICP-AES)
· 电感耦合等离子体制谱仪(ICP-MS)
· X-射线荧光光谱仪(XRF)
· 样品预处理设备和AA;ICP以及XRF的供应件
· 消解系统
· 定标标样
· 质量控制(QC)标样
· 操作运行评估标样
· 认证的参考资料
产品包括DigiPREP,唯一的石墨板块式消解系统配以样品温度直接控制器;DigiTUBE吻合DigiPREP和其他石墨板块式消解系统,可方便任意使用于消解/定容/存贮等多用途;PlasmaCAL ICP-AES和ICP-MS标定标样,可提供所有元素并且保证21个月的有限期;PlasmaTEST仪器控制标样是唯一的商品型产品,可跟踪您的ICP-AES,ICP-MS光谱仪的分析表现;PlasmaFORM是ICP-MS的采样锥和截取锥系列;PeCHECK操作评估标样用于水和废水分析;MAT家族是认证的参考物,其适用大范围的样品类型包括环境、农业土壤、饮用水、地表水和污水,使用油、堆肥和污泥;AccuSPEC标样和试剂包括原子吸收标样,离子交换标样,传导性标样,滴定标液,缓冲液和各种其他标样的定体积溶液。
SCP SCIENCE 服务的主要市场对象是无机分析光谱实验室。其包括环境和质量管理实验室如采矿、石油和石油化工、农业、水泥、食品加工、半导体等工矿企业,以及大专院校和政府等部门研究所。我们的品牌一同各无机分析供应经销商活跃在全世界。SCP SCIENCE 考究的产品和专业的服务为所有无机分析光谱技术的精华。
SCP SCIENCE has served the inorganic analytical chemistry market since 1980. We bring to our customers specialized products for atomic spectroscopy and inorganic analytical chemistry manufactured in the U.S.A., Canada and around the world.The company has grown substantially in recent years through internal and contracted manufacturing, acquisition, and expansion of its sales distribution network around the world. Implementation of ISO 9000-2000 throughout the company & 17025 in the company’s laboratories is almost completed ensuring consistent reliable products and service.
SCP SCIENCE corporate headquarters is located in Baie D'Urfé, Quebec, on the western portion of the island of Montreal . Distribution centres are located in Champlain, NY serving the USA, and in the Courtaboeuf suburb of Paris, France serving France directly and supporting our distributors located in each of the 25 countries of the European Union. SCP SCIENCE has an extensive distribution network throughout Central and South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Please contact us for the location of our office or distributor serving your market. Meanwhile, please join us on a tour of our Corporate Offices. Headquarters in Baie D’Urfé.
SCP SCIENCE France in Europe is located in the Courtaboeuf suburb of Paris, France and evolved from the 2001 acquisition of Spin, a leader in the distribution of atomic spectroscopy supplies and Certified Reference Materials in France since 1990. The company has grown to include all the SCP SCIENCE manufactured products including sample preparation instruments, calibration and quality control standards, inorganic reagents, an expanded line of atomic spectroscopy supplies and Certified Reference Materials.
Selling directly to the analytical chemistry market in France and through our distribution partners in all 25 countries of the European Union, the new company has been on an accelerated growth curve since the acquisition. An extensive inventory is maintained in Courtaboeuf with quick delivery times throughout Europe.
SCP SCIENCE China is located in Beijing, capital of the People's Republic of China. Located near the facilities of the China EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Bureau, Beijing EMC and two of China's top universities, the company office will support its growing distribution network and customer base in China.