比利时爱思康国际RS Scan International
RSscan是一家集运动分析和专业足底压力测试系统研发的比利时企业,拥有全球最精密的足底压力测试系统。同时也是比利时最具实力的三大IE(高科技电子)集团企业之一(包括RSscan, Time Tronics 提供精确的大赛计时系统和 InterSoft为机场提供雷达监测系统)。拥有55名以上的高级工程师共同为三家公司提供技术研发支持。在比利时Olen总部设有2000 多平方米的实验室。为公司提供了强大的技术研发保证。
Passionated by his sport, athletics, Jean Pierre Wilssens started in 1980 the company Runners Service n.v. Running analysis was done there by use of a treadmill and a video camera.
RSscan公司是欧洲著名运动鞋人体力学设计分析和运动鞋测试系统研发企业,总裁Jempi先生是资深的足生物力学和运动鞋设计专家,是欧洲Anti-pronation 平衡理论和技术的创始人和运动鞋个性化设计的权威专家。Jempi先生长期担任Adidas的技术顾问,Adidas多项技术均出自Jempi 先生的设计。RSscan 与 Adidas 合作已有二十年之久,Adidas是最早使用足底压力分布系统进行研发的企业,他们的商店测试服务系统均由RSscan研发、提供。不仅仅是Adidas,欧洲、美国的实验室,NIKE的生物力学实验室,以及Nike 气垫创始者"Ned" Frederick等也都一直在使用RSscan的footscan系统进行设计测试研发。著名杂志Runners world(跑者世界)以及欧洲的一些著名测试机构亦采用我们的系统进行运动鞋的测试评价。RSscan,是第一家进入中国的国际性运动鞋科技企业。
1980年,Jempi在比利时的Beveren创立了运动分析中心- Runners Service NV,为运动爱好者进行步态分析,特别是跑步者的服务。
Runners service NV was found to meet with rapidly growing demand for health service in the sportworld in 1980 by doing gait analysis.
Our goal was to achieve maximal correction while ensuring greatest function, by using the latest and most innovative medical technology.
Result off this, the innovative first scan plate in a orthopedic sportshop 1984.
Runners Service/adidas
1984 Runners Service开始与adidas合作
1994年,RSscan 设计出第一套adidas footscan 系统,用于商店的顾客测试选鞋服务。现在Adidas 和NIKE的生物力学实验室都在使用Rsscan的footscan系统进行研发设计和测试。并且有大约450套footscan系统在运动商店为顾客进行测试。
1998年,RSscan 正式与比利时著名企业Inventive-Engineering (IE)合并,成立 RSscan International。
In 1994 J.P. Wilssens got in touch with Intersoft Electronics n.v., a company working in the field of time measurements since 1983. The cooporation between these companies led towards the company RSscan INTERNATIONAL.
RSscan INTERNATIONAL is specialised in developing, designing, controlling, producing, commercialising and looking after training from hardware and software for pressure measurement systems.
1980: runners SERVICE n.v.
1983: Intersoft Electronics n.v.
1994: RSscan (Jean Pierre Wilssens)
1998: RSscan INTERNATIONAL (RSscan + Intersoft Electronics n.v.)
1998: RSscan INTERNATIONAL was established to adjust the marketing and the production towards each other, and to launch the footscan® product on the international market. The first scientific software, designed for:
podology, podotherapy;
revalidation, physiotherapy;
orthopaedics: surgery and shoe-orthopaedics;
physio - osteopathy.
1998: Development of the footscan® insole system; flexible insoles with approximately 350 sensors for each sole and a constant scanning frequency of 500 Hz (500 Hz left and 500 Hz right). These soles are linked with an interface that writes the data on a SRAM-memory card.
1999: footscan® 3D system. Special interface giving the possibility to implement 3D forces measured by a force plate. A dynamical calibration can be performed by this system assuring perfect stable and absolute values from the pressure plate. This interface has the possibility to send out trig./sync. TTL signals, FM triggering and to receive trig./sync. signals from other equipment. Possibility to scan the plate up to 500 Hz.
2002: Launch of the footscan® USB system: a dynamic pressure measurement plate, connected by the USB port of the PC. The footscan USB plate has a dimension of 50cm x 40cm with 4096 sensors and a data-acquisition at 125Hz.
2004: RSscan International launches the footscan® USB2 plates, connected by the USB2 port of your PC. This connection makes it possible to reach a frequency of data-acquisition of 300Hz.
2004: Totally new software packages are presented to the users. One package for gait applications, a second one for balance applications (stability testing).