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Renishaw Renishaw

英国雷尼绍 Renishaw  
雷尼绍公司在计量学和拉曼光谱仪器领域居世界领先地位。总部 (Renishaw plc) 位于英国伦敦西部的格劳斯特郡(Gloucestershire)。她是一家跨国公司,在世界各地有14家子公司。公司约有雇员1500多人,年销售额为125,300,000英镑(2001年度)。


在拉曼光谱仪领域,雷尼绍公司与英国的利兹大学(Leeds University)合作,在世界上首先研制成功新型的激光共聚焦显微拉曼光谱和光谱成像仪,领先革新了拉曼光谱技术。因此,于1993年获得查尔斯王子科学发明奖,1995年获得英国女皇技术奖和最佳科学仪器制造商奖。在此后的十几年中,雷尼绍公司在技术革新上始终保持着领先地位。


2003年,雷尼绍公司推出了配置更加灵活,使用更加简单,自动化程度更高的InVia系列拉曼光谱仪。用户可根据自己的需求选择不同的功能模块,及相应的自动化程度。inVia系列显微激光拉曼光谱仪的最高配置 - inVia Reflex提供上述包括全自动化的所有功能;其它的inVia系统随时可以逐步升级至inVia Reflex。所有的inVia拉曼系统把具有极高的灵敏度作为标准,将配置灵活和高灵敏度集中于同一套拉曼谱仪上。

英国雷尼绍公司(Renishaw)公司的主要产品有:Renishaw实验室研究用拉曼光谱仪和工业在线用拉曼光谱仪、激光器和CCD探测器; 雷尼绍坐标测量机上的测量系统,工件安装基准设定;雷尼绍在机对刀系统及在机零件检验;扫描和数字化系统;雷尼绍机床测量和校准用的激光干涉仪和球杆仪系统;Renishaw高精度定位反馈编码器系统(钢带光栅尺)等产品。

    For over 30 years, Renishaw has been an innovator in metrology, the science of measurement, enabling measurements to be taken to international standards.

    The company's first product, the touch-trigger probe had been invented by David McMurtry, now Sir David McMurtry, Chairman and Chief Executive, to solve a specific inspection requirement for the Olympus engines used on Concorde. The first Renishaw company was established in 1973 by him and John Deer, now Deputy Chairman. This innovative product went on to revolutionise post-process inspection of machined components.

    TopContinuing innovation
    Today, Renishaw is leading another measurement revolution!

    The first product to take advantage of Renscan5™ technology is REVO™, the first in a family of measuring head and probe systems, which has redefined the industry standard for scanning systems on co-ordinate measuring machines (CMMs).

    Inspection throughput is maximised whilst a high level of system accuracy is maintained. In relatively new market sectors for the company, Renishaw's expertise in precision manufacturing has already influenced the dental market and the way restorations are carried out.

    The company continues to work with the bio-medical profession in the analysis of organic and inorganic substances and how the analysis itself is undertaken. Each of the Group's Products Divisions has provided a mission statement to reinforce its contribution to the Group's overall operations.
