Plexera 是一家生物科技公司,总部位于美国西雅图。Plexera 是国际先进的无标记、高通量、高涵量生物传感器和生物芯片的全球提供者。我们的宗旨是在全世界范围内为从事生命科学研究和生产的用户提供最先进的技术、仪器和服务,帮助简化与加速治疗性蛋白质的发现、生物标记物的发现以及新药开发的进程。 Plexera 的产品主要包括生物分子相互作用分析系统与生物芯片,二者的组合可以为功能蛋白质组学研究提供最佳解决方案。
Plexera 系统采用表面等离子共振技术分析生物分子间的相互作用,向研究者提供高质量的动力学、亲和力以及特异性的信息,产品核心技术涵盖光、电、机、化学、生物和纳米技术。我们在美国哈弗大学医学院、系统生物学研究所、Baylor免疫研究所等世界著名研究机构完成了仪器的第三方测试,并开展了与国际知名制药公司、生物科技公司的应用合作。Plexera 系列产品以其优秀的性能博得了业内人士的高度评价与青睐。
Plexera® Bioscience manufactures high throughput Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) instruments providing the life sciences market with tools, content, and methods that simplify and accelerate required steps in the drug discovery and development process.
The study of proteomics presents researchers with costly analytical challenges due to the complexity and size of individual proteomes. When you consider the number of biologic interactions, the complexity grows exponentially. Researchers’ need for information has outpaced currently available technology. KX Array™ Technology developed by Plexera Bioscience addresses this complexity and the need for more information by combining label free, real-time detection methods with microarray based, high density assay formats. KX Array Technology utilizes Surface Plasmon Resonance, which provides a cost effective, high throughput solution for detecting and quantifying the binding and concentration of thousands of proteins in a single experiment.
Market applications target biomarker screening and discovery, biomolecular interactions of genomic materials and drug interactions. The bench scientist seeking new targets, pharmacologists seeking the pharmaco-dynamics of a drug or clinicians determining the efficacy of a drug, will all benefit from the information derived from the use of the Plexera platform.
Plexera® Bioscience has opened a manufacturing and development site in Woodinville, Washington, 15 miles north of Seattle and an application and engineering site in Beijing, China.
Plexera® LLC maintains several collaborative relationships both in the US and in Asia with leading Academic and Research institutions.