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Physical Sciences
Physical Sciences Physical Sciences

美国Physical Sciences Inc
Physical Sciences Inc. is located in Andover, Massachusetts, 30 minutes north of Boston.

Physical Sciences Inc. provides contract research and development services in a wide diversity of technical areas to both government and commercial customers. Our interests span basic research to technology development, with an emphasis on applied research.

We develop advanced technologies for aerospace, chemical, defense, energy, environmental, manufacturing and medical applications. The company's core technologies have been developed with more than $500 million of federal and industrial funding over three and a half decades of operations, a period in which PSI has acquired an international reputation for technical excellence and innovation
Customers include the U.S. defense and energy departments, the National Institutes of Health, NASA and special access communities, as well as foreign government sponsored R&D. PSI’s successful ability to perform commercially sponsored R&D from the largest to very small companies results in accelerated technology development and transition to products.

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program has played a pivotal role in PSI's technical and commercial success. Equally important are our experimental and prototype development facilities that have been assembled at PSI.
PSI has developed a successful methodology for technology transfer and commercialization. Starting with funded research and development projects, the company supports the development of prototype products and services through the pre-commercial stage. Working with corporate partners, PSI then establishes focused commercial businesses or licensing arrangements that promote rapid penetration of growth markets
