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phoenix phoenix

菲尼克斯X射线(Phoenix|x-ray,凤凰X光)是无损检测领域高分辨率2D X射线检测系统和3D数字X线断层扫描系统(工业CT)的生产商。1999年伊始,菲尼克斯 X射线(Phoenix|x-ray,凤凰X光)开始其全球发展的历程,现拥有超过120名员工。公司总部均位于德国文斯托夫(汉诺威市近郊),包括研发、生产、销售、应用中心和服务中心等等。其它应用和服务中心位于斯图加特,慕尼黑,彼得斯堡(美国)马尼拉(菲律宾)和中国上海。

phoenix|x-ray 检测系统与服务有限公司是全球领先的用于二维检测的microfocus 及nanofocus®X 射线系统及计算机层析技术系统(CT: computed tomography) 制造商。该公司于1999 年成立于德国汉诺威市郊的文斯托夫(Wunstorf),并分别在德国南部城市斯图加特(Stuttgard)、美国的彼得斯堡(St.Petersburg)、菲律宾的马尼拉(Manila) 设有办事处,并在全球众多工业化国家中设
二维检测X 射线系统
phoenix|xray 根据不用的应用领域提供microfocus 和nanofocusTM X 射线系统,并针对用于电子、半导体、汽车、航空等众多行业中的二维自动检测系统提供完整的、个性化的解决方案。这些解决方案主要应用于半导体包装、PCB(印刷电路板)组装、印刷电路板多层板生产、微观力
除二维检测系统外,phoenix|xray 还提供应用范围广泛的高分辨率计算机层析技术系统。如
nanotom® 是首个专门应用于材料学、微观力学、电子学、地质学和生物学领域的160 千伏
nanofocusTM 系统。该系统可用于合成材料、陶瓷、复合材料、金属或岩石等各种材料样本的微
作为业界创新型公司之一,phoenix|xray 始终走在技术前沿,开发了一系列新型技术和设备。
2004 年该公司获得下萨克森省合作奖,2005 年获得Frost & Sullivan 产品策略领导奖,2006 年获得德国联邦青年企业家协会、德国独立企业家协会颁发的“企业家年度奖”。
phoenix|x-ray 将为客户服务放在首位,积极致力于便捷设备和软件解决方案的研发,以此为客

phoenix|x-ray Systems + Services is the leading manufacturer of microfocus and nanofocusTM
X-ray systems for 2D-inspection and computed tomography. Founded 1999 in Wunstorf
close to Hanover, Germany, the enterprise possesses over branch offices in Stuttgart and
Munich/Germany, St. Petersburg/USA, Manila/The Philippines and representations in most
industrialised countries worldwide.
2D X-ray inspection systems
phoenix|x-ray supplies application oriented microfocus and nanofocusTM X-ray systems and
complete customised inspection solutions for the automated 2D-inspection in the electronics,
semiconductor, automotive, aerospace and many other industries. Main fields of applications
are semiconductor packaging, PCB assembly, multilayer PCB production, micromechanics
and electro mechanics.
Computed tomography with submicron resolution
In addition to 2D-inspection systems phoenix|x-ray offers a wide range of high-resolution
computed tomographs. The nanotom® for example is the first 160 kV nanofocusTM system
which is tailored completely to applications in the material science, micromechanics,
electronics, geology and biology. It is suitable for the 3D-examination of the microstructure of
material samples in every type like synthetic materials, ceramics, composite materials, metal
or rock samples and much more.
Leading in technology
As one of the most innovative companies in the industry phoenix|x-ray has invented some
breaking novel technologies and systems. The enterprise has been awarded the co-operation
award of the province of Lower-Saxony in 2004 and the Frost & Sullivan Product Line
Strategy Leadership Award 2005 as well as in 2006 the award “entrepreneur of the year”
of the German Federal Association of young entrepreneurs and the German Association of
independent businessmen.
phoenix|x-ray puts high priority on customer service and great investments in the development
of easy-to-use systems and software solutions in order to provide all inclusive and versatile
support to customers, establishing mutually beneficial, long-term partnerships.
