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Partech Partech

英国Partech Instruments  
英国Partech水质分析系列产品 740 污泥分析仪 水面石油监控仪
Partech Instruments is a specialist company providing water quality analysers and instruments for monitoring and control in wastewater, sewage, raw water, industrial effluent and river water applications.
 Partech has been providing high quality measurement solutions for use in water, wastewater and industrial effluent treatment for over 40 years. During this time we have built an excellent reputation for our commitment to customer service and the reliability of our products.

The range of products and services offered by Partech has grown significantly over the last few years as we have risen to the challenge of providing the solutions our customers require.
Over forty years ago, after becoming disillusioned with working in the aerospace industry Roger Parker formed Partech (Electronics) Limited. The Company was originally based in Hertfordshire and designed and produced a miscellaneous range of electronic products for a mixed market.

An approach from the Water Pollution Research Laboratory (WPRL) to collaborate on the design, development and production of an instrument to measure water quality paved the way into the waste water market that remains the core of the Company's business to the present day.

In 1969 Roger Parker decided he would like a lifestyle change and moved, taking the Company with him, to St Austell, Cornwall. After operating from several locations around the town the company moved into its current premises in 1988.
