美国Park Systems
Park Systems公司拥有20多年原子力显微镜生产技术积累,是从事该行业历史最长的公司。XE系列原子力显微镜是Park Systems公司多年研究的成果。在原子力产品中倾注了多年的Know-How技术,生产出了具有前所未有的测量学性能的真正的下一代原子力显微镜。它彻底解决了基于压电陶瓷管的AFM产生的非线性和非正交所带来的问题。
Park Systems无论在科研还是在工业领域都是纳米尺度测量及系统的技术领导者。公司的产品线反映了在纳米测量应用方面的强大实力。
The root of Park Systems can be found at Stanford University, the birthplace of Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). Dr. Sang-il Park, Chairman and CEO of Park Systems, and Dr. Sung Park, VP and General Manager of the US Headquarters, were graduate students of applied physics at the university, working in the very group that invented the AFM. Later they became the original founders of Park Scientific Instruments and developed the world’s first commercial AFM in 1989.
The spin-off company (PSIA) was renamed Park Systems in 2007. After 20 years of continuous growth, Park Systems has developed global sales network over 26 countries and the company currently has more than 700 customers of its new product line, the XE-series, around the world.
Park Systems serves its customers worldwide with advanced atomic force microscopes and global service and support with direct offices in Korea, Japan, Singapore, and the United States. For over 25 years, Park Systems has developed a reputation as the AFM technology leader and preferred nanotechnology solutions partner for demanding nanoscale research and industrial measurements, among major universities, research institutes and industry leaders who demand the very best precision metrology solutions for the most challenging problems in their fields.
1989 : The World's First Commercial AFM (Park Scientific Instruments)
1992 : Closed-Loop Scanner (Park Scientific Instruments)
2002 : Crosstalk Eliminated (XE) AFM for Flat and Linear XY Scan
2004 : True Non-Contact Mode for Non-destructive Sample Scan
2008 : XE-3DM, New 3D AFM for High Resolution 3D Metrology
2009 : XE-Bio, New Bio AFM for Live Cell Imaging with Ion Conductance Microscopy (ICM)