德国Optronis公司的CamRecord系列高速CMOS数字相机是专为拍摄高速运动的物体而推出的数字相机。CamRecord高速相机内置大容量内存,可以记录高达10几秒的实时图像。同时采用方便灵活的高速1394接口,能快速地将记录的图像文件下载到计算机中。Optronis公司的CamRecord 600,CamRecord 800与Redlake公司的HG-LE高速相机性能指标相近;CamRecord 1000与Redlake公司的HG-100K高速相机性能指标相近,但Optronis公司的高速相机在价格上更有优势,能为用户提供更高的性能价格比。
Optronis develops, manufactures and distributes streak cameras and high-speed video cameras for scientific and industrial applications. Our high-end cameras can be used to capture ultra-fast phenomena. Our primary goal: to provide our customers with innovative solutions for fast optical measurements.
We have many years of experience in the field of ultra-fast measurements. Optronis offers high-quality standard products and services as well as custom-designed systems to satisfy and even exceed our customers’ requirements and expectations.
Development, assembling and distribution of streak cameras and high-speed video cameras
International team with competence in consulting, system solution and application assistance
Application specific solutions for particular measurement task.
Our History
The origins of Optronis GmbH are based on the company ARP (Applications of Research in Photonics) founded 1986 in France. ARP started more than 20 years ago with the industrialization of streak cameras developed at the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) in Strasbourg, France. Later on the product portfolio had been completed by high-speed video cameras. In 1996 ARP merged with Photonetics GmbH and moved his office to Kehl, Germany. Since 2000 the company operates under the name Optronis GmbH.