德国novel公司由控制论专家Peter Seitz创建于1978年,位于德国的慕尼黑,专门从事动态压力分布测量(DPDM)技术的研究与开发。novel公司是世界上开发出商业应用步像系统的第一人。novel公司拥有超过25年的经验,一直领导着精确、可靠动态压力分布测量系统的生产。novel公司卓越的、科学的医学和工业数据分析软件,有助于用户始终走在同行的前面。在国际空间站项目中,novel公司为宇航员开发了评价身体负载的系统。在医疗、生物力学和工业等领域,novel公司都是全球动态压力分布测量系统生产的领导者。
novel was the first company in the world who developed a commercially available Pedography® system.
With more than 25 years of experience, novel is the leader in accurate and reliable pressure distribution measurement systems. Outstanding scientific software for the analysis of medical and industrial data allows the user to be always one step ahead.
novel gmbh, a Munich, Germany firm specializing in dynamic pressure distribution measurement (DPDM) technology, was founded in 1978 by cyberneticist Peter Seitz. For space travelers, novel developed a system to assess body load for the International Space Station project. novel is a DPDM global leader in areas such as medicine, biomechanics and industry.