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Nova Biomedical
Nova Biomedical Nova Biomedical

美国诺瓦生物医学公司,Nova Biomedical ,
美国Nova Biomedical公司成立于1978年,同年生产出世界上第一台电解质分析仪 。时至今日,其急诊血气系列在世界范围内的销量超过25000台套。经过二十几年的发展,Nova Biomedical公司已经成为急诊血气分析领域的绝对权威。可以毫不夸张地说,Nova的标准就是业界的标准!
Nova十分重视产品的质量问题。其产品质量之优良、售后服务之完善得到了广大用户的肯定。Nova Biomedical是世界上第一家通过ISO 9001及EN 46001标准的血气及急诊分析仪器制造商。Nova Biomedical的产品FDA/政府招回次数为0;Nova Biomedical全世界产品销量超过25000台(套);Nova Biomedical所有产品都是由其美国本土研发中心完成的,换句话说,Nova掌握着所有的核心技术,从整机到软件,从电极到电极膜,每一个部件都可以打上Nova的标志,这是其他的厂家所无法做到的。
Nova Biomedical

Nova Biomedical is a world leader in the development and manufacturing of state-of-the-art medical devices, patient self-testing and hospital-based diagnostics. We employ over 700 people, including more than 125 scientists and engineers, and occupy over 300,000 square feet of development, engineering, and manufacturing space in our Waltham, MA, facilities. Our client list includes many of the world’s largest healthcare companies, including six of the seven largest diagnostic firms. We are also development or manufacturing partners for more than a dozen emerging companies.

Over the past 25 years, we have built a strong reputation based on leadership in
diagnostic technology, engineering excellence, cost-effective manufacturing, and
integrity. Significantly, in our entire history, we have never had an FDA mandated
product recall.

From product development to manufacturing, distribution and field service, Nova can provide either the entire package or individual functions to supplement a client’s internal capabilities. We work with our partners to develop custom strategies, yet maintain the flexibility to respond quickly to changes in their business needs.

We believe it takes more than just developing and manufacturing good products to promote truly successful long-term partnerships. The success of each project is ultimately based on our ability to fulfill total client expectations. While most elements of a program are planned or anticipated, something often occurs that is not expected. The breadth and depth of Nova’s engineering, manufacturing, and operating resources provide us with the ability to solve these unexpected situations.


Founded in 1976, Nova Biomedical is a technology-driven organization focusing
exclusively on medical and biomedical instrumentation. Nova has evolved its proprietary technologies into a leadership position in the design, manufacture, sales, and service of critical care blood gas/electrolyte/chemistry analyzers that we market directly to hospitals worldwide.

Because of our continuing, firsthand knowledge of the entire medical commercialization process – from concept to production to sales and field service – we know the truly important issues that determine product success or product failure. The direct feedback we receive from customers on instrument design, reliability, cost, and service issues has sharpened our skills at the critical interface between the instrument and the end user.


No matter how large or small your project may be, Nova can dedicate scientific
development and/or manufacturing engineering teams to focus their efforts on meeting your requirements. Our focused team concept dedicates staff, equipment, and facilities to ensure the customized service and rapid response demanded in today’s dynamic business environment. This team can integrate as many or as few members of the client’s staff as desired.

