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NorDiag NorDiag

NorDiag ASA 是一家生物科技公司,致力于开发,制造和营销自动化解决方案(仪器和试剂),如从困难的生物样品中提出细菌或人类的DNA。
NorDiag公司成立于2002年,总部位于挪威Oslo。公司在瑞典的Stockholm,奥地利的Vienna 和美国的Atlanta (GA)有办事处和实验室。

NorDiag ASA is a biotechnology company with core competence in automated sample preparation of difficult samples such as stool, urine and sputum, providing a set-up for downstream applications. NorDiag is committed to providing laboratories with novel, accurate, and useful tools.

NorDiag’s main objective is to deliver automated nucleic acid purification solutions for difficult clinical samples, and prepare nucleic acids for downstream genetic analysis with basis in its two instrument platforms Arrow and Bullet, as well as its chemistries for sample preparation kits. NorDiag provides clinical laboratories with a more advanced automation than is currently available. The automated solutions are designed to integrate with the analyses/amplification systems provided by the leading diagnostics companies. OEM supply of instruments and/or chemistry is part of the company’s strategy.
