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NimbleGen NimbleGen

美国Roche NimbleGen    
2007年罗氏诊断总裁Severin Schwan表示,NimbleGen的芯片技术能补充罗氏现有的基因组研究队伍,此次收购是罗氏在基因组研究市场上打下基础重要策略之一。此次收购计划将NimbleGen纳入罗氏应用科学部。

NimbleGen Systems公司是一家以美国威斯康星为基地的生物技术公司,今年3月在美国证券交易委员会(US Securities and Exchange Commission)首次公开发行股票( initial public offering,IPO),但未注明确定的日期和开放股票价格(opening share price)。

NimbleGen主要提供了基因组杂交,染色质免疫共沉芯片,比较基因组测序,以及表达分析。罗氏认为NimbleGen的芯片系统“对于罗氏的创新性基因组研究工具平台,比如LightCycler qPCR系统,以及近期从454生命科技公司获得的高通量测序系统,具有极高的配合性,能很好的相互补充。”


NimbleGen去年11月从Affymetrix获得了核酸芯片技术的专利许可,1月又与Oxford Gene Technology签署了一份有关寡核苷酸芯片IP的专利协议。

NimbleGen的总裁Stan Rose认为,借助于罗氏的国际化销售及分销网络,“将可以加速和拓宽我们高密度的DNA芯片销售”,并且他也表示这一合并也将加强这两家公司“有关靶向DNA测序的新技术”。



Roche NimbleGen, Inc. is a leading innovator, manufacturer and supplier of a proprietary suite of DNA microarrays, consumables, instruments and services. Roche NimbleGen uniquely produces high-density arrays of long oligo probes that provide greater information content and higher data quality necessary for studying the full diversity of genomic and epigenomic variation. Roche NimbleGen is enabling a new era of High-Definition Genomics by providing scientists with cost-effective, high-throughput tools for extracting and integrating complex data on important forms of genomic and epigenomic variation not previously accessible on a genome-wide scale. Scientists can thus obtain a clearer understanding of genomic and epigenomic structure and function and how they impact biology and medicine. This improved performance is made possible by Roche NimbleGen's proprietary Maskless Array Synthesis (MAS) technology, which uses digital light processing and rapid, high-yield photochemistry to synthesize long oligo, high-density DNA microarrays with extreme flexibility.

NimbleGen Systems was established in 1999. The MAS technology is the result of research collaborations between the departments of biotechnology, genetics, physics, and semiconductor engineering at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Roche NimbleGen has the exclusive worldwide license to the MAS technology from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF).
