尼康映像 Nikon
尼康(日文:株式会社ニコン,英文:Nikon Corporation,又译为艺康(香港)股份有限公司),即日本光学,知名日本照相机品牌,也是三菱集团的关系企业之一。尼康致力于光学和影像产品的研究开发,其产品包括照相机、望远镜、显微镜和测量仪器。
“尼康(Nikon)”的名称,从1946年开始使用,是“日本光学”日文读音(Nippon Kogaku)的罗马字母缩写,并且融合了德文中蔡司照相机ZeissIkon中kon的写法。
中国的经济近年来呈现显著发展的势头,各国企业把中国作为今后发展最快的巨大市场而加紧了进军中国市场的速度。尼康也通过 Nikon Imaging China 等生产基地进行各种产品的生产,开展了在中国的业务。在销售方面,此前通过香港的当地法人—— Nikon Hong Kong Ltd . 进行中国的市场营运和销售活动。此外,还在中国各地设立指定的修理店,在进行技术指导的同时,进行售后服务。
In an increasingly uncertain world, the environment in which Nikon operates is undergoing rapid changes and our management anticipates difficult business conditions ahead. Despite this situation, however, we are determined to sustain Company growth in order to continue improving customer satisfaction and confidence.
At the heart of Nikon is a rich store of leading core technologies, which have not only yielded substantial business results at each of our Precision Equipment, Imaging and Instruments Companies, but have also spurred the development of high-quality products across Company boundaries. We firmly believe that the quest for advanced technologies, as exemplified by our cutting-edge optical technologies, combined with the will to promote constant innovation through manufacturing competitiveness, will lead to a stronger Nikon that won’t be influenced by unfavorable business conditions.
Nikon is engaged in businesses that deal with the very foundations of our society and therefore has an obligation to deliver products unfailingly at all times. Business continuity management (BCM) is an important aspect of our mission and a vital component of our corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. Naturally, we are taking the most effective environmental measures possible and proactively implementing social contribution activities. It is a basic premise of Nikon’s business activities to help build a better society.
People power Nikon’s growth. By effectively applying our wealth of human resources, and by anticipating customer needs, we’re able to create exceptional products that exceed customer expectations, and do so in a timely manner. Nikon’s vision — Meeting needs. Exceeding expectations. — conveys the determination of our company and employees to fully demonstrate our unique advantage. Absolute sincerity and commitment are at the very core of the Nikon brand. And our corporate philosophy — Trustworthiness and Creativity — refers to the integrity and resourcefulness with which everyone at Nikon strives to reconcile evolving markets, technology and products.
Nikon will continue to serve society as an exceptional company while responsibly sustaining its growth. Thank you very much for your guidance and support.
Michio Kariya
Representative Director, President,