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Nielsen-Kellerman Nielsen-Kellerman

美国NK Nielsen-Kellerman 
Richard Kellerman和Paul Nielsen于1978年成立NK公司。Richard当时就职于施乐公司任物理化学家,受雇于Ted Naches开发一种新产品,用来简化行驶于河上的舵手的许多工作。在施乐公司同事Paul Nielsen的协助下,Richard Lellerman坚信能发明一种综合放大器、计时表、冲击计等功能的简易装置。于是Cox-Box放大器诞生了。1984年,NK扩大了产品系列,相继开发四类产品,并以此为基础,把此四种产品做得更小,更轻,更易使用。 1996年,NK开发了气象仪器,叫做Kestrel手持气象仪,做为一般消费品投放市场。手持产品目前的种类有近十种。

Nielsen-Kellerman Company designs, manufactures and distributes waterproof instruments for active lifestyles and technical applications, including:

Kestrel® Pocket Weather Meters
NK Electronics for Rowing and Paddling
NK Soaring Instruments
Customer Service and Commitment

If you distill what we at NK do into one phrase, it would have to be that we design and manufacture products for… fanatics. Whatever our niche, we know our customers won’t forgive us for letting them down, and will tell their friends what they think of us, good or bad. We employ a fully-staffed customer support department, and when our customers call or email, we bend over backwards to keep them happy.

Every NK rowing product is covered by a full two-year warranty, and Kestrel products are covered by a five-year warranty. All products are further covered by a lifetime Customer Care warranty, providing damaged product replacement at a very generous discount. We know that convincing customers to purchase a product is just the first step—once you’re an NK customer, we want to keep it that way! We’re proud of our tremendous repeat and referred customer percentages and virtually non-existent return rate.

Innovative US Manufacturer

Committed to US manufacturing, NK has continually updated and modernized its manufacturing methods to remain cost-competitive. NK employs Lean Manufacturing and Toyota Production System methods throughout its plant. Cellular manufacturing ensures continual close quality control and inventory is managed by a pull/kan-ban system to enable rapid response to customer demand and a high on-time shipment rate. NK’s plant also features NIST traceable calibration facilities for every product we make, including a 20-foot tow tank.

