美国,NewAge Industries,
NewAge Industries是弹性软管和耐压软管的生产商和各种接头和卡箍的供应商。
各种材料包括PVC、硅胶、含氟聚合物、热塑橡胶、天然乳胶、尼龙、聚乙烯、聚丙烯等达到3A、NSF、USP Class V I 等要求。橡胶软管和塑料耐压管也可订购非强化软管、波纹或螺旋管、编织强化软管,用于额外的强度和压力。
NewAge Industries也供应各种接头和卡箍与软管和耐压管配套使用。在按要求注塑、加工(卷化、热成型、软管指定长度切割、热接合)和软管总成方便的能力使我们处于行业领先地位。
NewAge Industries生产总部位于宾西法尼亚州南安普敦,距离费城很近,是当地的首要的软管制造商和接头卡箍的供应商。公司作为Raymond Baker的梦想成立于1954年。
为了不断满足客户对管件纯净度和洁净度的要求,NewAge Industries Inc.特成立分公司Adavantapure,生产和销售卫生级硅胶软管和耐压复合材料软管,专业服务于制药、生物技术、化妆品和食品饮料等行业,取得了行业内客户的一致好评。NewAge Industries manufacturing headquarters is located in Southampton, PA just a few miles north of Philadelphia where we are one of the premier manufacturers and fabricators of plastic tubing and hose and a supplier of fittings and clamps. The company started as a dream of Raymond Baker back in 1954.
We are an extended family of people working together to bring you excellence in service and in the high quality tubing, hose, and fittings products you need. From our manufacturing, customer service, sales, engineering, and all of our other teams, NewAge Industries is dedicated to give you our best.