美国分子仪器公司 Molecular Devices
Molecular Devices Corporation (MDC)公司成立于1983年,位于美国高科技密集的加里佛尼亚州,是一家致力于为生命科学和药物研发工作者提供专业的、高精度、高通量、高性能的微孔板测读分析仪和液体操作系统的厂商,拥有该领域的上百项专利技术,系列产品已被广泛应用于药物筛选、分子生物学、免疫学、细胞学、生物化学、电生理学等多个领域,是微孔板测读分析领域的国际第一品牌。Universal Imaging Corporation和Axon Instruments现已成为MDC公司的成员。
● 细胞成像 ImageXpress Micro,ImageXpress Ulltra,ImageXpress 5000A,MetaMorph
● 电生理系统 IonWorks Quattro, PatchXpress 7000A, OpusXpress 6000A, 微电极放大器,数据获取系统,电穿孔仪
● 荧光成像分析系统 FLIPRTETRA™,FlexStation
● 液体处理系统 分液器,洗板机,细胞收获器
● 生物芯片 Axon GenePix系列芯片扫描仪
● 酶标仪 光吸收SpectraMax系列,化学发光LMaxII384,荧光GeminiXPS/EM,多功能M2/M2e/M5/M5e,配套机械臂
● 试剂 GPCR分析,ADME分析,Microgenomics,激酶、磷酸酶、磷酸二酯酶分析,离子通道分析,转录因子分析,污染测试分析
● 软件和认证 SoftMax Pro Validation Package和SpectraTest Hardware Validation Package(IQ/OQ/PQ认证)
Molecular Devices is now part of MDS Analytical Technologies, a division of MDS, Inc. Please see our Investor Relations pages for complete corporate information.
Molecular Devices supplies high-performance bioanalytical measurement systems that accelerate and improve drug discovery and other life sciences research. Its systems and consumables enable pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to leverage advances in genomics and combinatorial chemistry by facilitating the high-throughput and cost-effective identification and evaluation of drug candidates. Molecular Devices' product solutions are based on its advanced core technologies that integrate its expertise in engineering, molecular and cell biology, electrophysiology, and chemistry. Molecular Devices enables its customers to improve their research productivity and effectiveness, which ultimately accelerates the complex process of discovering and developing new drugs. Molecular Devices has a record of developing innovative, first-to-market products that include instrumentation, software and reagent systems. Molecular Devices is based in Sunnyvale, California, and has offices in Union City, California, Downingtown, Pennsylvania, England, Germany, Korea, China and Japan.
Founded in 1983, Molecular Devices introduced its first microplate reader in 1987 and since then has continually broadened its solution set through a combination of internal R&D and acquisition. Molecular Devices acquired Universal Imaging Corporation in 2002 and Axon Instruments in 2004 broadening its portfolio to include electrophysiology products, scanners and analysis software for microarrays, and workstations for cell-based screening using high-resolution imaging. In March 2007, Molecular Devices was acquired by MDS, Inc. (Toronto, Canada). Molecular Devices and MDS division, MDS Sciex, have merged to become MDS Analytical Technologies.