- 微技术
- 材料科学
- 塑料电子学
- 生命科学/生物化学
- 工业工程
Microdrop成立于2005 年,前身为MicrodropGesellschaftfuerMikrodosiersystemembHi. L.,现在位于德国北部诺德斯泰特,是先进微分配和喷墨点样领域的领导者。
microdrop Technologies is the leading provider of equipment, software and services for advanced microdispensing and inkjet printing applications.
Our team of scientists, engineers and technicians has more than 15 years experience in inkjet-technology and micro-fluidics. We focus on high quality products and services for industrial applications as well as for R&D purposes. Our products range from single dispenser systems up to sophisticated Autodrop Platforms (including glove box and production systems).
We provide our customers with a number of services like training, dispensing tests, prototyping and customized solutions. Microdrop Technologies is significantly involved in several R&D projects, which are concerned with material deposition and inkjet printing, in cooperation with industrial partners or by public funding (EU, BMBF, DPI, etc.).