MEECO公司成立于1948年。公司专业从事湿度分析仪的生产,获得美国国家认证(CSA)、FM认证、Class1、Divison1,CE认证等权威机构认证。产品应用于遍及世界各地的许许多多装置和工程中。优秀的品质、稳定的性能、完善快捷的售后服务让MEECO解决了许多难以想象的疑难问题。因此在气体领域,MEECO是湿度分析的同义词。 MEECO的产品以优异的品质和合理成本的解决方案而著称,在气体湿度分析领域拥有绝对的优势,在中国市场具有无与伦比的竞争力。
Founded in 1948, MEECO Inc. develops, manufactures and distributes trace analyzers for the gas, chemicals and semiconductor industries. Today, with its patented, new laser-based Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy, MEECO continues to spearhead technology.
Get ready to catch the Golden Ring!
Since 1948, MEECO has produced durable, high-quality gas analyzers for industry. Chief among our customers are semiconductor manufacturers and their suppliers, as well as natural and industrial gas producers and their distributors, utilities, and chemical and petrochemical companies. Headquartered in Warrington, PA, MEECO was founded by Dr. Gustav Bergson, a Harvard trained physicist. He produced equipment to measure such disparate elements as color, radio frequencies, the micro vapor pressure of jet fuels and oxygen in gases. By the 1950's, an arrangement with E.I. DuPont DeNemours enabled MEECO to pioneer instruments that measure trace moisture in solids, natural gas, and industrial specialty gases. As such, the electrolytic method is presently MEECO's core technology.
Moisture Analyzers and Natural Gas
At first, moisture analyzers were mainly used to measure H2O in fluorocarbons. They came into wider use when experts in the natural gas industry found that monitoring moisture in gas pipelines helped avert corrosion, compressor breakdowns, and freeze-ups caused by large pressure drops. In response to the need for on-site pipeline testing, MEECO created a portable moisture analyzer for field technicians. Tennessee Gas bought the first of these units in 1959. Since then, MEECO has sold over 10,000 portable units to the "Southwest Oil Patch". In addition, natural gas utilities depend on continuous, accurate moisture readings because gas prices are based on BTU ratios, which are in turn affected by moisture levels.
MEECO Enters a New Era
The market for moisture analysis technology expanded further as utilities, industrial gas manufacturers, and other industries began using the instruments. In one instance, electric utilities, like the Philadelphia Electric Company, must eliminate moisture in their instrument air systems to avoid corrosion. In another, Union Carbide, Liquid Air and other industrial gas manufacturers monitor moisture content to meet industry specifications for pure, dry gas. Likewise, semiconductor manufacturers, like Intel, must control moisture down to the low parts-per-billion (ppb), in the high-purity gases used to assure IC quality.
MEECO Markets Diversify and Grow Worldwide
In 1983, Lisa Bergson took over the business from her father. By then, moisture analyzers were the company's primary business. After instituting new quality and service procedures, she focused the company on product development, on-going technical innovation, global expansion, market diversification, and progressive management and manufacturing practices. By the late 1980's, her management team successfully diversified the company into a leading purveyor of moisture analyzers for the emerging semiconductor market worldwide.
MEECO Stands for Cutting Edge Innovation
MEECO's growth derives from constant innovation. In 1987, it launched the world's first ppb moisture analyzer for ultra-pure electronic gases used in the semiconductor industry. It came to dominate the market. Thereafter, in early 1991, MEECO rolled out several new, state-of-the-art analyzers. These comprised the TURBO? for on-line, low ppb moisture monitoring; the L'EAU PRO? the world's first commercially available, low ppb moisture generator; and the ACCUPOINT? also a first. The ACCUPOINT, a transducer for industrial and natural gas, allows multi-point readings using an electrolytic sensor, a capability never before available.
By 1995, MEECO was ready with the TURBO 2? capable of detecting down to one ppb and lower, and the WATERBOY? an inexpensive easy-to-use, new portable for the natural and industrial gas industries. And, in 1997, another product outpouring occurred with the advent of the TRACER? the first low-cost, modular ppb moisture analyzer; the NASTYBOY? an innovative design for moisture in chlorine; the ACCUPOINT LP, a transmitter for measuring moisture at low pressures; and the UHP SPRITE? a very simple, inexpensive go/no-go device for tracking moisture breakthroughs on the ultra-high-purity gas lines. Plus, MEECO became a distributor for a new line of oxygen analyzers, the O-BOY series.
By 1999, MEECO introduced the WATERBOY 2? ACCUPOINT 2?and ACCUPOINT LP 2? updated versions of their microprocessor-driven predecessors. A fourth device, the ICEMAN?, designed in collaboration with DuPont, measures moisture in Freon substitutes, a growing market. Further, MEECO launched a line of percent humidity devices, the AQUATEK?series, for demanding industrial environments. At the end of 2001 MEECO introduced the AQUAVOLT?and AQUAVOLT+? updates of the AQUAMATIC. MEECO introduced the TRACER 2, an updatee of our flagship model, was introduced in 2005, it pairs 0.5 parts-per-billion (ppb) moisture detection with improved speed of response.
Today MEECO is proud to be a distributor of Tiger Optics's laser-based gas analyzer line.