ANSEROS来源于拉丁语anser,意思是鹅。在古罗马首都罗马一带,鹅被认为是“看家狗”,因此,鹅又成为战略防御系统的象征。臭氧作为ANSEROS的研究课题之一,在高层空间抵御紫外线辐射和在低层空间抵御细菌侵害方面扮演了一个重要角色。公司名称上方展翅飞翔的鹅是ANSEROS恰如其分的代表。 德国Anseros公司是臭氧检测系统技术和部件的开发商及制造商。Anseros品牌由Mr.Erwin Nonnenmacher创立于1949年,迄今已有60年的历史。1985年Mr.Erwin Nonnenmacher的儿子Mr.Klaus Nonnenmacher教授接管出任CEO并推动了臭氧装置的开发、生产和销售工作,使得臭氧测试系统的技术位于世界领先地位。ANSEROS公司成立以来,致力于生产臭氧发生器、臭氧分析器以及臭氧检测系统,在臭氧技术上经验丰富并获得多项专利。70%的产品出口到世界各地的40多个国家,在全世界超过1500家客户在使用Anseros公司的产品。2005年德国Anseros 公司CEO Mr. Klaus Nonnenmacher教授获得中德友谊奖,并在人民大会堂受到温家宝总理、吴仪副总理的接见。
Anseros is a research based company involved in industrial ozone applications. Our corporate structure comprises research, development, manufacturing, commissioning and servicing.
All over the world, ozone technology nowadays forms the basis of environmentally-friendly industrial products for the treatment of drinking water, for livestock preservation, fish rearing, for sterilization purposes in the pharmaceutical industry, for hydrophilization in the semiconductor industry and for many other applications.
For many of these purposes, leading research institutes describe the industrial application of ozone as the most environmentally-friendly way.
As our slogan "Recycling Life" points out, we are committed to provide industrial products friendly to the environment and thus to humanity.
We are pleased to provide you with customized solutions precisely adapted to your specific needs.