佩蒂斯和其他合伙人于2009年在布鲁克林创立了MakerBot公司。复制2号(Replicator 2)已是该公司的第四代机器,明年年初计划出售第五代机器—复制2X(Replicator 2X ),以满足发烧友和专业人士更新的需要。复制2号使用的以玉米为原料的PLA塑料,具有重量轻,无收缩性以及打印不变形等特点(复制2X将采用ABS工程塑料)。
MakerBot 还发布了一个社区网站——Thingiverse。在该网站上,出售打印成品。用户还可以上传自己的3D模型,发布许可,然后其他爱好者可以付费下载打印。在网站上我们可以看到手表,手镯,样板房,拼图心,人的半身像,甚至可柔软逼真的三叶虫出售。价格在50美元到几百美元之间。还有一些便宜的,日本的口香糖机提供了5美元的产品。猫,机器人,苹果,画中人物和其他小玩意儿。
Founded in 2009, Brooklyn-based MakerBot® (www.makerbot.com) has grown to be a global leader in desktop 3D printing. MakerBot had 16% market share of all 3D printers (industrial and personal) made from 2009 to the end of 2011. In 2011, MakerBot had 21.6% market share. There are over 13,000 MakerBot Desktop 3D Printers in use by engineers, designers, researchers, and people who just like to make things.
The MakerBot Replicator™ 2 Desktop 3D Printer, MakerBot’s fourth-generation machine, sets a new standard for the company in resolution, build volume, speed, ease of use, and affordability. MakerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D Printers are available for sale through www.makerbot.com/store, its worldwide network of distributors, as well as through the company’s brand new flagship retail location.
Located at 298 Mulberry Street in the NoHo district of Manhattan, the MakerBot Store offers people the chance to learn about desktop 3D printing, get demonstrations, and buy all kinds of cool consumer products made on MakerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D Printers.
At MakerBot’s Thingiverse website (www.thingiverse.com), MakerBot owners can access and contribute to a “universe of things.” More than 28,000 projects, models, and things are available that can be downloaded and made for free.
The first generation MakerBot Replicator Desktop 3D Printer was named “Best Emerging Tech” at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The company has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Economist, Wired, The Colbert Report, Fast Company, Engadget, Make: Magazine, Rolling Stone, Time.com, IEEE Spectrum, CNN, Financial Times, NPR, Vogue Italia and many others.