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Andor Andor

北爱尔兰Andor Technology PLC (Andor)   
Andor Technology是一个科学图像和光谱解决方案提供商。





• 第一台无监控的科学照相机---1989

• 第一台永久真空密封的光谱照相机---1991

• 第一台全集成ICCD(增强电荷耦合器件)---1994

• 第一台EMCCD(电子倍增电荷耦合器件)---2001安道尔的公司精神






安道尔的最大设施位于北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特,它是一幢全新的特别建造的50000平方英尺的建筑。此建筑内拥有最先进的光学、电子与机械车间,一个10000级的无尘室、真空和电子加工设备。安道尔在世界各地也拥有贴近客户的销售与销售支持设施。欢迎您访问我们的网站,垂询离您最近的安道尔办事处。安道尔于1998年开始执行符合BS EN ISO9001:2000要求的质量管理体系,而且已获得包括人力资本投资者标准(Investors in People)与ISO14001环保承诺的认证

Andor's mission statement

To become the global leader in pioneering & manufacturing high performance light measuring solutions



Andor Technology PLC (Andor) is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland and operates at the high-value end of the global scientific digital camera market. It was setup in 1989 out of Queen's University in Belfast. Andor now employs 190 people in 15 offices worldwide and distributes its products to 1,200 customers in 55 countries.

As portrayed in our mission statement the principal business of Andor is the development and manufacture of high performance digital cameras. Further we look to share our expertise to develop the best solutions for your light measuring problems. Our products are distributed to a customer base encompassing both the scientific research & industrial communities.

The founders of Andor were working in the Physics department of Queen's University, Belfast, but found the cameras then available were inadequate for their demanding applications, so they developed their own. After using them in various imaging and spectroscopic applications they found they were being requested by researchers in other departments in Queen's and other universities. Andor was formed in 1989 to take advantage of these requirements.

The company has grown organically and is today the fastest growing company manufacturing high performance digital cameras. Along the way we have pioneered the development of high performance cameras.

a) Innovative Highlights
1st Non-controller based scientific camera - 1989
1st Permanent Vacuum Sealed Spectroscopy Camera - 1991
1st fully integrated ICCD (Intensified Charged Coupled Device) - 1994
1st EMCCD (Electron Multiplying Charged Coupled Device) - 2001
b) Andor Ethos
The growth and success of Andor has been driven by our simple ethos of maintaining the company focus on the following factors:

Customer Focus
Andor believes the heart of our business is our customers; our success comes from the success of our customers.We constantly monitor customer feedback to look how we can improve the products we make or the service we can offer.If you have any suggestions please contact us with your feedback.

Andor is never satisfied with the status quo and to ensure we can continue to offer the best products and services Andor continually strives for innovation. We have a long history of bringing innovation to the high performance camera market.

Andor views the team as the stakeholders of Andor which encompasses our customers, our Staff, our distributors and our suppliers and we believe that through better Teamwork we divide our task and multiply our success.

c) Andor Facilities

Andor’s 3000sq. ft clean room
The largest Andor facility is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland which is a new, purpose-built 50,000sq. ft premises.The premises include state of the art optical, electronic and mechanical workshops, a 3000sq. ft clean room, vacuum and electronic processing facilities.Andor also maintains Sale and sales support facilities through out the world close to our customers.Please review to our website for your nearest Andor office.Andor has operated a quality management system since 1998 which currently complies with the requirements of BS EN ISO9001:2000 and has other accreditations including Investors in People and ISO14001 environmental compliance.

