美国激光技术公司Laser Technology Inc. (LTI)
美国激光技术公司(Laser Technology Inc. 简称LTI)一直致力科技革新, 提供高质量的激光仪器。自1985年成立以来, 已在美国证券交易所上市。设计和生产基于激光技术的测距测速仪器,在多个行业广泛应用,从维护交通秩序的激光测速到森林林场测量,从普通船舶停靠码头到航天飞机入坞都可以看到该公司的产品。为激光测量技术领域中的领导者, 美国激光技术公司不仅是全球首家生产商业性的激光测速仪器的企业, 更成为美国太空总署特制空间站靠泊系统的供货商。
LTI主要产品包括: Impulse英柏斯手提激光测距仪、TruPulse图柏斯手提激光测距仪、MapStar地图星水平角度编码器、Universal Laser Sensor (ULS) 连续多功能测距仪、LTI 20-20 UltraLyte 欧测利手提激光测速仪, Micro Digi-Cam MDC全自动彩色微型测速摄录系统等等,在多个专业的行业广泛应用。
Everyone in the measurement business claims they are "The Leaders" in the industry, but no one can claim they are the true pioneers in reflectorless measurement. Our history speaks for itself. LTI started working with the US military over 20 years ago by designing lasers that measured distances between 2 planes in-flight for a de-icing exercise. We then won a contract with NASA to build a custom laser that could measure both distances and speeds for space docking missions.
After that we partnered up with Bushnell Optics and designed the first low-cost recreational rangefinder for golfing and hunting. We even developed the first commercial laser speed enforcement tool for the law enforcement community. Our first professional measurement device was a hand-held reflectorless total station that eventually started GPS laser offests.
Laser Technology Inc. (LTI) is a company devoted to the design and manufacture of innovative laser-based speed and distance measurement instruments, using ISO compliant and continuous improvement techniques. We maintain an intense focus on providing laser measurement technologies which address real world needs and applications, including speed enforcement, accident investigation, forestry, mining, utilities and surveying, to name just a few.