防伪水平的钞票及防伪纸张提供商瑞士Landqart公司所发明,是目前最先进的防 伪保护技术。Polarisafe 可显示出独特的“开-关”效果,这是其他防伪特征无法做到的。”
We are a manufacturer of wood-free, uncoated paper and regard ourselves as being in a position of responsibility towards our co-workers and our environment. But we are also an important economic factor in our region. Therefore, being conscious of this, we also uphold and care for other values. We are future-oriented and proactively tackle the challenges of new requirements, whereby we give priority to honest, pragmatic solutions.. The practical expertise and technical know-how of our co-workers, on the one hand, and the customer-friendly orientation of our sales and marketing, on the other, give us confidence in being able to master the demands of the future.
Our paper, as a rule, is at home within a small segment of the market, where, with our product range, tailored to the wishes of a relatively small circle of clients, we offer added value to our customers and thereby ensure for ourselves a sound means of existence.
Our wide spectrum of paper manufacturing methods and processing possibilities permits us to implement practically every requirement desired by our customers. The comparatively small capacity of our plant offers our customers the possibility to procure from us tailor-made products in relatively small lot sizes.
Our production plant is located at our site in Landquart, which is the origin of our company name. Here, we employ some 220 co-workers and 19 trainees in 6 different trades.
Apart from our sales office at this location, we also run two other offices in order to cater optimally for our German-speaking markets and our markets in East Europe.
We are integrated as part of a group, although, as absolute specialist suppliers, we operate independently, since we are best familiar with the local rules of the game in our niche market area and are able to act accordingly.
If you should like to know more about us, in which part of the world we are located, how we have developed, what we are and what we can do, just click on the following pages: