德国Kappa opto-electronics
Kappa opto-electronics公司在过去的三十年里,为业内提供高标准的CCD相机,以及相应的图像采集和处理的解决方案。多种独特的产品设计使其能够应用于各个领域,如荧光显微成像,航空学,产品质量检测,安防,工业内窥以及医疗影像等。
相机主要有Digital Camera Systems、Digital Cams、Video Cams、Micro Cams和X-Ray Cams五大部分。产品有数字和模拟接口,例如:Video, RS422, Fire Wire, Camera Link, LVDS等。
Kappa opto-electronics GmbH is a global player operating for the last three decades to the highest international standards in the fields of industrial cameras and image processing solutions
Kappa is one of the few camera manufacturers with long time experience in the development and manufacturing of extremely rugged cameras with above average signal quality.
The latest Kappa Guide presents our corporate portfolio, from mega pixel resolution to requirements management, from standard products to customer series. We give you an overview of our CCD and CMOS cameras as well as over the Kappa PC and camera software. This comprehensive portfolio not only guaranties the high quality of our standard products, but it is also the basis for the effective and efficient modification of the standard cameras into a customer series that meets your requirements.