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Jouan Jouan

JOUAN在英国、德国、莫斯科均设有有限公司及办事处,同时JOUAN集团在美国已牢牢地占领了一定的市场,并取得很大的成功。1993年取得了意大利ALC公司主要股份。1996年JOUAN收购美国PRECISION SCIENTIFIC公司。因此,JOUAN现已成为一个美国、法国及国际性的集科研与生产于一身的经济实体。
The JOUAN brand high technology offer is one of the most extensive in the fields of sample preparation and preservation.
A world leader in such laboratory products, JOUAN shows the way with : 

A range of 35 centrifuges of all types: ventilated, refrigerated and thermostated –
Micro to 6 litres at High Speed / Compact to 9.6 litres at Low Speed

Plus a host of associated products for the biology, chemistry and other labs:-

Vertical and Horizontal Deep Freezers
Laminar Flow and Safety Cabinets
CO2 Incubators
Media Preparation Systems
Incubators and Ovens
Water Baths
Centrifugal Evaporators
Freeze Dryer
This global offer allows JOUAN to participate in three major sectors - industry, research and hospitals. All important disciplines are supported including biochemistry, microbiology, cell and molecular biology, blood transfusion, agri-industry, pharmaceuticals and chemicals, environmental studies and many others.
Moving into the 21st century as one of the world’s most dynamic scientific instrument manufacturers, Group JOUAN can count upon a long history of experience.
In 1919 when war had just ended in Europe, Constant JOUAN, researcher at the Pasteur Institute, decided to devote all of his time to the creation of new laboratory instruments and the JOUAN company was born.

His ingenuity and creativity ensured the rapid growth of the company. The first to adapt an electric motor to a centrifuge (until then manually operated), he opened new perspectives in research and diversified towards chemistry and biology.

