法国Amplitude Systemes
法国Amplitude Systemes公司位于法国波尔多市,专注于生产和制造科研和工业应用的半导体泵浦超快固体激光器。
法国Amplitude Systemes公司致力于基于Yb的飞秒激光器和皮秒激光器,定位于飞秒皮秒微纳加工的商业和科研市场。Amplitude Systemes公司还是基于Yb的飞秒光纤振荡器激光器和
飞秒光纤放大器的领导者,该产品曾连续两次获得SPIE Photonics West的金棕榈奖。
Amplitude Systemes公司位于法国Bordeaux,现有员工120人,和其兄弟公司Amplitude Technologies公司一起,是法国最大的激光器公司,也是欧洲最大的超快激光器公司!
Amplitude Systemes, located near Bordeaux, France, develops and manufactures diode-pumped ultrafast solid-state lasers for scientific and industrial applications.
Amplitude Systemes, together with its sister company Amplitude Technologies, is the only company which offers all ultrafast laser technologies available today, from industrial fiber lasers to high energy Petawatt class Ti:Sapphire lasers.
Satsuma ultrafast fiber laser
Today, by combining high quality manufacturing and aggressive R&D, Amplitude Systemes brings new solutions to your most demanding applications. All lasers offer the highest optical performance in their class and are subject to stringent performance and environmental tests before being shipped to the customer.