德国Elementar公司作为有机化学元素分析领域的全球领导者, 以严谨、可靠在科学家和分析工作者心中享有很高的地位和很好的口碑。其C/H/N/O/S元素分析仪,是市场公认的第一品牌,广泛应用于地质、煤炭、石油化工、科研高校、土壤农业、环境保护、质量检验、生物医药、非金属材料等领域。
Isoprime Ltd is an established and traditional manufacturer of Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometers and of a comprehensive range of inlet systems for high precision stable isotope ratio measurements of solid, liquid and gaseous Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Sulfur molecules.
Isoprime Ltd is a wholly owned daughter company of Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH, German, the leading manufacturer of elemental analysers.
Isoprime Ltd is based in Cheadle Hulme, Greater Manchester, UK at Isoprime House, with R&D department and facilities, testing and servicing facilities, training and application facilities, sales and service support and administration.
IsoPrime has been developed to meet the needs of the world’s best scientists and technologists, who demand the most advanced, efficient and practical solutions, for IRMS applications. We offer a comprehensive range of inlet systems suitable for the IsoPrime mass spectrometer. They allow a broad range of sample types to be analysed to a level of precision to suit your requirements. Naturally, both Dual Inlet (DI) and Continuous Flow (CF) needs are catered for in our product line. Our inlets are designed to carefully combine high sample throughput, high precision and day-to-day reliability. IsoPrime is the IRMS of choice for experts in the fields of hydrology, environmental studies, medical sciences, food authentication and geological sciences.