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inXitu inXitu

inXitu公司是一家领先的便携式X射线/ X射线荧光光谱仪器设备。 专注于开发所需的技术 , 使新一代的科学仪器 , 用于文物、艺术品鉴定,材料分析。

InXitu公司的“Duetto”仪器是第一款市面上有售的结合XRD/XRF(X射线衍射/X射线荧光功能的仪器,它可用于在原位置对物质进行矿物/相位和元素分析。Duetto完美地适用于需要对物品进行无损分析分析的场合,例如艺术品,法医学或体积过大难以带入实验室进行传统的X射线衍射和/或X射线荧光分析的物品。通过使用以2D X射线衍射(XRD)和能量分散X射线(XRF)为基础的成熟的影像技术,Duetto能够提供与实验室仪器高度相关的分析。
inXitu Inc. is a leader in portable XRD/XRF based instrumentation. We specialize in developing the technologies required to enable the next generation of scientific instruments used for materials analysis. The technology used in our portable rock and mineral analyzer received a prestigious R&D 100 award and was chosen to fly on the Mars Science Laboratory rover scheduled for launch in 2009.

Our powder handling methods can dramatically improve the quality of your XRD data while reducing the requirements for sample preparation. inXitu’s patented technique makes possible quality XRD data to be collected regardless of the grain size of the sample. Grain sizes up to 400 um have been tested producing data normally obtained with micron size particles.

Incorporating key technologies from our portable XRD instrument and advanced sample handling techniques, we are currently developing solutions targeted for identification and analysis in the areas of explosives, pharmaceuticals, forensics, art and archaeological materials. This new line of instruments will offer performance comparable to laboratory XRD systems with the benefit of portability, significantly reduced sample preparation and reduced cost.
