英国 英维思过程系统( Invensys Process Systems ,简称 IPS )
英维思过程系统( Invensys Process Systems ,简称 IPS )是伦敦上市企业英维思集团的业务公司之一,旗下包括 Foxboro (过程控制系统)、 SimSci-Esscor (流程模拟与优化)、 Avantis (资产管理)、 Wonderware (人机界面)、 Triconex (安全系统)和 Validation Technologies 等在业界享有广泛盛誉的行业领先品牌。 IPS 的总部和经营中心设在美国马萨诸塞州的福克斯波罗( Foxboro ),而英维思集团的总部位于英国伦敦,业务遍及 80 多个国家和地区。
在中国,自 1983 年建立我国仪器仪表行业的第一家中美合资企业——上海福克斯波罗( Foxboro )有限公司以来,英维思过程系统为 我国的化工、石油、石化和电力等行业提供产品与服务已有二十多年了。我们的策略是不仅仅要提供软硬件产品,而且要成为一家世界领先的自动化、控制和过程工厂业务优化的解决方案与服务提供商。
英维思过程系统已为我国的数百家工业企业,其中包括化工厂、炼油厂、石化厂、发电厂、钢厂、水泥厂、浮法玻璃厂、药厂、食品加工厂和海上石油平台等,提供了上千套的高水平的过程控制系统,从早期的 SPEC200 组装仪表、 SPEC200 Micro 微机化组装仪表、 SPECTRUM 分散控制系统,到当今最先进的 I / A Series 控制系统,为缩短我国仪表行业与国际先进水平的差距做出了贡献,在业界享有极高的知名度和美誉度。
I / A Series 控制系统以其崭新的设计思想、完全的开放性和可靠的长寿命结构,得到了用户、行业分析家和咨询机构的好评,并被认为是拥有最先进技术的优秀系统。 I / A Series 系统的应用领域广泛,自 1987 年推出以来,已在国内 300 多个用户的 400 多套装置得到选用和成功投用。其中化工、石化与炼油行业超过 230 套,电力行业超过 120 套,冶金行业超过 60 套,综合行业有 100 多套。在炼油行业, I / A Series 系统已在常减压、催化、加氢、延迟焦化、酮苯、糠醛、芳烃抽提、气体分馏、硫磺回收和临氢降凝等主要炼油装置得到成功应用。
Headquartered in Plano, TX, Invensys Process Systems (IPS) is an enterprise technology, software and consulting firm that is at the forefront of significant changes in process manufacturing, plant optimization, business operations, and enterprise performance. We are part of Invensys plc, a $4.4 billion global industrial automation, controls and transportation group based in London, England.
A highly-valued strategic partner fundamentally attached to, and enabling, the world’s premier players in vital vertical industries, we are helping our clients leverage the real-time convergence of manufacturing infrastructure and business operations. Our clients are some of the world’s most important organizations. They provide fuel, energy, light, power, and healthcare to millions of people around the globe. And they look to us to help them run safer, be more efficient, extract useful knowledge from their operations and make investments that allow them to be fundamentally better.
IPS brings together a well known portfolio of proven specialties to bear on client performance. Process automation and safety systems, manufacturing operations and optimization software, and plant-to-business intelligence solutions are at the core of our capabilities – capabilities enabled by market leading products. These include field devices and controls from Foxboro and Triconex, advanced applications from SimSci-Esscor, and business and manufacturing operations management from Avantis.
Tying all of these capabilities together is InFusion, the world’s first enterprise control system (ECS). InFusion provides a common engineering, automation and applications environment that connects, collects and leverages all the knowledge and data available from disparate systems and technologies. InFusion is a key piece of our commitment to being a new breed of open integrator for our clients.
As companies maximize their six sigma, lean operations and other performance improvement strategies, they can look to us to uncover and advance new frontiers in enterprise performance through a connected and comprehensive approach to plant, manufacturing, supply chain and business operations.
With more than 100 years of delivering industry-leading products and solutions, we’re proud of our success. Our ground-breaking innovation has advanced the field of process automation and set the standard for others to follow.