美国Imperx公司致力于向客户提供优秀的高分辨率数字成像产品及解决方案,其 Camlink及GigE接口的各类高分辨率CCD相机产品广泛应用于机器视觉、医疗、科研等领域。除此之外,Imperx还提供特殊的紫外相机和许多大面阵制冷相机产品,最高可达1600万像素。其紫外相机多应用于刑侦、火焰监控和紫外告警系统等场合,而制冷相机主要应用在一些需要长时间曝光的场合。
Imperx, Inc. is a leading designer and manufacturer of high-performance, high-quality digital cameras and frame grabbers for various Industrial, Commercial, Military and Aerospace imaging applications including Flat Panel Inspection, Biometrics, Aerial Mapping, Surveillance, Traffic Management, Semiconductors & Electronics, Scientific & Medical Imaging, Printing, Homeland Security, Space Exploration, and other imaging and Machine Vision applications.
Our executive and R&D teams are recognized as world leaders in the field of digital imaging. We have quickly gained a reputation among our customers as a company that prides itself on providing technologically superior, high-quality products with a focus on customer service and technical support. We have shipped our products to hundreds of customers worldwide including Fortune 100 companies, Federal and State government agencies, domestic and foreign defense agencies, academic institutions, etc. Our manufacturing facilities are certified for ISO 9002 compliance.