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Imperium Imperium

Imperium公司由著名的Marvin Lasser 博士创办于1996年。Marvin先生是美国军队的首席科学家,也担任过Ford/Philco 公司的研发执行董事。研究初期获得了大量的有影响力的科研经费,也获得了政府多项重要订单,包括多项第II阶段SBIR合同。自从1999年正式投产首台相控阵超声成像仪以来,Imperium公司产品不断地得以提升和改进。公司在美国靠近华盛顿DC附近的Maryland Silver Spring建立了集研发、生产、销售为一体的总部,具有全过程半导体加工、电子测试、整机装配、现场测试等综合能力。

Imperium公司是世界上唯一可以提供全视频相控阵超声波成像仪的企业,是世界无损检测史上的一大突破。她提供的产品比市场上任何超声波检测仪器更加易于理解、易于使用、更加物美价廉。自从1996年来 Imperium 公司成为视频相控阵超声成像检测技术的先导者,不断的为工业和医疗应用提供OEM和系统集成,Imperium专利的数字式超声波视频技术(DAVideo™),至今为世界上唯一能够生产此类仪器设备的厂家,比市场上超声波线扫描合成技术具有明显的优势:分辨率高;多点阵同时采样成像;成像清晰;无需特殊培训即可使用等。


Imperium公司开发的数字声学成像技术(Digital Acoustic Video - DAV™),它通过一个相控阵声学成像芯片控制超声成像仪的工作,这极大的改善了目前的超声技术。这也使得我们的超声成像仪与普通摄像机一样提供显示功能以及其它一些显示特性。


Imperium, Inc. was formed in 1996 to supply products which generate images which can be easily understood by end users. The scope of the targets includes both organic and non-organic materials. The company was formed in 1996 by Dr. Marvin Lasser, the Former Chief Scientist of the U.S. Army and Director of Research for Ford/Philco. Funding was raised from a number of sources, predominantly from government contracts, including several Phase II SBIR contracts until the first product launch in 1999. Research and development has continued as different embodiments of the technology evolved. Imperium now has built a strong resource base of engineering, production, and marketing experience. Our headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland now has a full semiconductor processing capabilities, in addition to electronics testing and assembly facilities and on-site machine shop services.

Primary Goals
Our goal is to deliver products that improve imaging capability and user-friendliness for ultrasound users in a variety of market settings. It has long been accepted that ultrasound requires specialized users who can interpret these images. Imperium's DAV camera technology now means that non-specialized users can effectively utilize tools to 'see inside' targets. Through both direct and indirect sales channels, as well as working with flagship OEM's in different industries, this capability has become a reality. Imperium is focused solely on DAV™ technology. Our company has successfully reacted quickly to many market embodiments of our device. Using our vast experience in ultrasound imaging and video cameras, Imperium has successfully shown multiple customers the improvement that can be gained by using our products.

Core Competencies
Imperium has built a unique blend of technical expertise in the fields of optics, video imaging systems, focal plane imaging arrays, and acoustics. Through this experience and a broad intellectual property base, Imperium has become the sole provider of this technology. Our competencies include developing, manufacturing and marketing specific embodiments of the DAV technology in a variety of settings. In addition to marketing our products directly, we have formed several key alliances whereby OEM customers are leveraging the technology in to support new application directions that suit their strategic business needs. The basis of the DAV technology is a unique, patented focal plane array which we produce at our semiconductor processing facility. We have extensive capabilities for electronics and system prototyping, test, and manufacturing, ensuring smooth development and transition to production. Furthermore, we fully support all of our clients through a series of training and support programs, ensuring that our customers are successful in using our products.

Intellectual Property
Imperium has proactively invested in intellectual property since its founding. The company now owns several broad patents. These patents, along with a broad range of trade secrets, will protect our position in the marketplace for many years to come.
