I-CHEM Certified* 200 and 300 series vials meet or exceed U.S. EPA “Specifications and Guidance for Contaminant-Free Sample Containers,” and are provided with sample-analysis labels, unattached. I-CHEM Certified 300 series vials include a Certificate of Analysis with a bar code production number in every case. Each vial in the 300 series has a bar code label for absolute traceability, and is for use with automated or manual sample tracking systems.
I-CHEM 100 series vials are made from the same high-quality materials as I-CHEM Certified 200 and 300 series, but are not processed and do not include a certificate or container labels. Certificates of Analysis are available by request for 200 series vials and economy packs, but unavailable for the 100 series vials.