MetOne BC-1054黑碳仪
Optical absorption through material deposited on filter tape. Near infrared absorption (935 nm) for elemental carbon, ultraviolet absorption (370 nm) for elemental and organic carbon
10 波段: 370, 430, 470, 525, 565, 590, 660, 700, 880, 950 nm
测量范围 :<1 ng/m3 to >100,000 ng/m3
分辨率:0.1 ng/m3
采样率LDL:< 8 ng/m3 1分钟内采样
< 1 ng/m3 1小时采样
电源:12V DC.通用100-240 VAC 50/60Hz
PM1, PM2.5切割头
采样时间: 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 minutes
流速: 2 to 5 LPM actual flow rate
滤带: High capacity quartz filter tape
操作温度范围: 0 - 40°C
相对湿度范围: 0 - 90% RH, noncondensing
串行传感器 :1 Met One Instruments Ambient Temperature and Barometric Pressure Sensor
用户界面:Menu driven interface with 4 line by 20 character LCD display with keypad
外部数据存储: 1 USB Flash drive device
电源 :External; AC input 100-240 VAC, 1.6 A, 50-60 Hz; DC output 12 VDC, 8.5 A
重量: 39.6 lb. (17.9 kg)
体积: 10.5” (26.7 cm) Width: 17: (43 cm) Depth: 15.8” (40 cm).