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ScanAir Pro过滤器检漏仪国内总代理

价  格:询价

产  地:更新时间:2021-01-17 11:39

品  牌:型  号:

状  态:正常点击量:2818



联 系 人: 上海非利加实业有限公司

电   话: 400-006-7520

传   真: 400-006-7520

配送方式: 上海自提或三方快递



ScanAir Pro过滤器检漏仪***内总代理

ScanAir Pro检漏仪是测试PTFE超高效过滤器泄露情况的*简单和*轻便的方法。使用ScanAir Pro扫描过滤器来测试泄露情况,并得到过滤效率。

ScanAir Pro包含***台便携式颗粒计数器外,还包括***个智能的轻便的扫描探头,和可调节浓度的稀释器。



It is the only easy and lightweight method for testing PTFE HEPA filters. Use the ScanAir Pro to scan filter media for leaks and provide a measurement of filter efficiency.

Incorporating an ergonomic lightweight scanning probe with touchscreen user interface, the Scan Air Pro System also includes a SOLAIR portable particle counter and a configurable dilutor for when concentration exceeds programmed threshold.

The ScanAir Pro performs upstream and downstream measurement with an automatic upstream challenge calculation based upon sample and displays a percentage leak during downstream mode along with alarm indicator.


Benefits include:

  • The ability to challenge test filters with a much lower concentration of oil
  • Virtually no coalesce of aerosol, thus no liquid accumulation in fans or duct work
  • Ability to use PSL instead of PAO for filter challenge testing
  • Multi-function: use the same instruments for filter testing, cleanroom classification, cleanroom recovery testing per annex 1 and testing pressurized gas (with high pressure diffuser)

Contact your local Lighthouse sales representative for additional information or to schedule a demonstration.


  • Ergonomic and lightweight
  • Touchscreen user interface
  • Upstream and downstream mode of measurement
  • Automatic calculation of alarm threshold
  • Scan mode and size mode of measurement
  • Display upstream or downstream measurements
  • Display percentage leak during downstream mode
  • Only option for testing PTFE media filters
  • Ability to challenge test filters with a much lower concentration of oil
  • Virtually no coalesce of aerosol
  • Ability to use PSL instead of PAO for filter challenge testing
  • Multi Function System allowing instruments to be utilized for other applications
  • Testing PTFE HEPA filters
  • Scan filter media for leaks
  • Cleanroom classification
  • Provide a measurement of filter efficiency
  • Testing pressurized gas





