Bullet Blender组织细胞破碎仪
价 格:询价
产 地:美国更新时间:2020-09-22 16:54
品 牌:Next Advance型 号:Bullet Blender
状 态:正常点击量:2848
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Bullet Blender组织细胞破碎仪
Bullet Blender组织细胞破碎仪。 Bullet Blender是***款新颖、快速、高通量的组织细胞破碎仪,实现了涡旋混合、组织匀浆和细胞破碎功能的三合***。专利的试管击打技术,转头以每分钟几千次的频率击打试管,彻底的破碎和均质。整个破碎过程中样品保持密封,避免了手工研磨等传统方法效率低、重现性差和易交叉污染等缺点。单次处理时间不超过3分钟,从培养的细胞到坚硬的动植物组织都可以处理,并且提供具有针对性的protocol及各种尺寸和材质的研磨珠满足处理不同样品的需要。Bullet Blender可处理4个50毫升管中难处理的样品或8个50毫升管中易处理的样本。样品量达3.5g 或20mL。它非常容易操作,且空气制冷有效控制破碎过程中的产热。可选CE认证。综上所述,Bullet Blender是性价比很高的大通量组织细胞破碎仪。
Bullet Blender is a novel, rapid and high-throughput Homogenizer, achieving the vortex mixing, tissue homogenate and cell crushing function.Due to patented striking technology, which results in vigorous agitation and collisions between the samples and beads inside the tubes, you get superior results. 100+ optimized protocols for many tissues and cell cultures are freely available online. The Bullet Blender can process a wide range of samples within 3 minutes, including organ tissue, cell culture, plant tissue and small organisms. You canhomogenize samples as tough as mouse femur, tumor and so on. The Bullet Blender can process up to 4 tough tissue samples or up to 8 soft samples in 50 mL tubes in parallel. Each tissue sample up to 3.5 g or cell culture combined with beads up to 20 ml. It is very easy to load samples and while combines Air cooling™ minimizes sample heat up. Available with CE certification.No other homogenizer comes close to deliveringthe Bullet Blender’s winning combination of top qualityperformance, superior results and budget-friendly affordability.